Page 93 of Moonstone Maelstrom

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“You two aren’t going to let up until I agree, are you?”

The Viking beams at him, knowing he’s won. “Nope.”

“Fine. But we stay on the main floor. And I mean it, Rune—a single drink and we’re gone.”



“Welcome to Club Sanguine.” I hold the door open for Josephine as we come in off the street.

“Sanguine?” She stops walking, quirks a dark brow, and crosses her arms over her ample chest. “As in blood?”

“As in blood,” Fintan confirms, following reluctantly behind us.

“This is a vampire club?” She looks around warily.

I scoff and pretend to be offended. “Just because it’s named Sanguine, you automatically assume blood? I’ll have you know sanguine doesn’t just mean blood—it also means happy.”

Fintan taught me that little nugget of knowledge when we first opened the club. He didn’t think it was funny when my response was something about there being many happy endings in my future, so I don’t bother repeating the joke to Josie now.

“Sure,” she says, unconvinced.

“Do you think the only thing we care about is blood?”

Josephine shrugs. “And murder.”

She flinches when I bark out a laugh. “And murder,” I repeat, chuckling. “Yeah, I guess you’re right, darlin’. Still, I think you’ll find vampires are as complex a species as witches and humans.” My face scrunches up. “Did I just compare myself to humans? Ew.”

Finn rolls his eyes. “I need a drink.”

“One drink,” Josie confirms, turning to verify with me. “And no blood—an alcohol drink. Right, Finn?”

I waggle my brows. “Finn isn’t here to confirm or deny.”

She blinks and swivels her head, searching for him in the crowded club. “Where’d he go? He was just with us.”

He went upstairs to see if he could dig up anything about the Moon Witch currently transitioning in the dungeon, but she doesn’t need to know that.

What she needs is a drink.

The higher the alcohol content, the better.

Josie needs to loosen up a bit if she’s going to make it around here. It’s clear this isn’t her kind of scene—or maybe just not the kind of scene she’s used to.

I lead the way through the lounge up to the bar and find empty seats to hail the bartender and order myself a beer. I’m a little surprised when Josie asks for the same.

“Anyone can just walk in here off the street?” she asks when we both have an ice-cold bottle in hand.

I shrug and take a swig of my drink. “We have security to keep the riff-raff out, but yeah.”

“How do you make sure humans don’t find out the truth about what goes on in the city?”

“Some of them already know.”


“The ground floor is open to everyone–humans included–but the real fun at Club Sanguine happens in the sublevel designated specifically for vampires.”
