Page 95 of Moonstone Maelstrom

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Rune leads me down a narrow flight of stairs lined with lit torches on either side. Real, fire-lit torches that sway as we pass and cast looming shadows down the stone passageway. That has to be a fire hazard.

You would think that vampires, creatures weak to fire, would be more concerned about the whole place going up in flames. Evidently, aesthetics is more important to them since the same torches line the halls of Hotel Elysian.

“Where are we going?” I ask as we descend further underground than I expected. “Didn’t Finn say only the first floor?”

I distinctly remember him insisting on that.

“I just want to show you something.”

After being captured by both the wolves and the vampires, I’m not too keen on venturing into any dark, creepy dungeons. I’ve had my fill for a lifetime, thank you very much.

Rune just smiles at me as we reach the bottom of the stairs. A pulse of power rolls over me as his hand comes in contact with the doorknob.

I read the intention of the spell. It ensures only the designated supernatural species can enter. Even if a human wandered into the stairwell, they could never get past one of these doors.


Rune twists and holds the door open, ushering me in before him and—wow.

The walls are dark purple and black, fading into complete darkness near the ceiling. The leather couches look comfy and the lit shelves at the bar give everything an ethereal glow. But it’s not the decor that captures my attention so thoroughly.

There is a round stage with tables and more couches surrounding it, most of which are occupied. On the raised platform stands a huge wooden X with shackles attached to each of its limbs.

Next to it is a padded bench, also adorned with a set of restraints. None of the pieces of furniture are currently in use, but there are two women dancing to the thumping music that beats in time with my heart.

The women look almost drunk as they gyrate, their movements sluggish.

And then I see why. A vampire approaches the stage and beckons one of the girls down to him. She smiles and falls into him, her mouth opening in a silent scream as the vampire tears into her throat.

I see them, then… the collection of puncture marks littering her arms and, well, pretty much every part of her naked body.

“Come,” Rune says, guiding me with a hand at the small of my back. “Let’s get another drink.”

Yeah, I could use a drink. The slight buzz I got from chugging the rest of my beer is gone now as I take in the real Club Sanguine.

I follow Rune blindly past the other patrons, my attention ping-ponging around the room at one erotic display after another.

One particular couple catches my attention. With a few empty tables between us, I have the perfect vantage point to watch as they climb all over each other in the most aggressive make-out session I have ever seen.

I glimpse fangs, and the blood smearing both of their mouths and necks. They aren’t making out. They’re drinking each other’s blood.

I’ve never been much of a voyeur, but I can’t stop staring.

“Did something catch your eye?” Rune’s breath puffs against my ear as he leans close, drawing my attention away from the frenzied couple and sending a shiver through me.

“What do you think?” Rune asks, his gaze darkening as if he can sense my arousal.

“Hey, hun.” A bartender addresses Rune with a flirty little wink before I have time to formulate my thoughts on the club or ask about vampire-on-vampire blood drinking.

She looks young. She’s probably around twenty, but with her round face and fair features, she could probably pass for sixteen. That must suck–stuck looking like a teenager forever.

“Tess,” Rune greets with a nod.

“Is this her?” Tess asks, finally looking away from Rune and taking notice of me.

Her? Her, me? Do people know about me? What are they saying? “Have you been talking about me?”
