Page 92 of Moonstone Maelstrom

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Sebastian is Rune’s sire? Did he make Finn as well? What does it feel like to transition into a vampire? I have so many questions, but Rune doesn’t pause to let me ask any of them.

He continues the story while taking the lead, guiding our short procession down the path and back into the city streets. “The story goes, Sebastian was tired of playing second fiddle. So, one day he sneaks into Manon’s chambers during daylight hours and drives a stake through her heart while she’s sleeping. And that’s how he came to be the leader we all know and tolerate today.”

“I want to say I’m not surprised, but Sebastian doesn’t strike me as the type to assassinate someone without giving them the opportunity to fight back.” He seems more like the type to stare his prey in the eye as he takes their life.

“Yeah, well, who knows these days,” Rune huffs. “I’m not even sure I know the true Sebastian anymore.”

“What do you mean by that?”

Rune looks to Fintan for help to answer that one.

“He means Bas isn’t the same leader he once was. We’re losing him bit by bit.”

“Losing him?” Rune huffs. “We’ve already lost him, Finn. What he did to that Moon Witch is—”

“Rune,” Fintan’s tone is harsh. “Enough.”

“What did he do?”

“Let’s just say that Bas has flown waaay over the cuckoo’s nest.”


“What? If she’s staying with us, it’s only a matter of time before she finds out. Best she knows now, so she can avoid setting him off.”

An insane vampire controls an entire horde.

That’s just peachy.

“We don’t even know his triggers.”

“Right. How about we brainstorm over a pint?”

Finn’s gaze hardens as he looks around us, taking notice of where Rune led us. “Rune, no. We are not taking Josie here.” His tone leaves no room for argument… Rune tries, anyway.

“Come on, Finn. I promised Josie we’d have some fun tonight. Let the woman live a little.” Rune already has one hand on the door, eager to head inside.

I glance up at the sign hanging over the entrance. There are no words, only a strange symbol that looks like two snakes having a wrestling match.

“What is this place?” I ask, still craning my neck trying to decipher what the weird symbol is and feeling stupid when I realize it’s the letters C and S interlocked.

“A club,” Finn answers.

I avoided clubs and pubs and anywhere else with a crowd. But my grandmother’s spell of magically induced anxiety is gone now. Maybe I can live out my party girl era in my thirties.

“Are you sure it’s okay?” I ask, gesturing to myself. “I’m not exactly dressed for a club.”

I may not have ever been to one, but I know workout shorts and a tank top are not proper club attire, even if I am showing a bit of midriff.

Rune’s gaze pans down my body with an appreciative look that awakens something deep within me, kindling a fire that has been dormant for way too long. “Trust me, it doesn’t matter what you’re wearing.”

“Right,” Finn agrees, “because we aren’t going in.”

His insistence is only making me want to see what’s inside that much more. I’m officially on Rune’s side.

“Please?” I turn on the puppy dog eyes as I turn to Finn. “I haven’t been able to see any of the tourist sites in the city. The least you can do is let me have a drink at one of the local watering holes.”

“Just one drink and we’ll leave. Please?” Rune fans his lashes and earns a dramatic eye roll from Fintan.
