Page 9 of Colt's Salvation

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“I went to this reputable tattoo parlor after researching the ones closest to Midnight Falls. Tattoos are forever, so you have to not only really consider what you want but pick the right place.”

“Without a doubt,” Colt replied.

“After I saved up enough money, I made an appointment. I can’t tell you how scared I was of getting one. I heard it really hurts, and it felt like the needle was piercing bone.”

Milio wasn’t going to admit that he’d cried a few times during the session and asked the artist for a break more than once so he could have a breather.

Colt’s chuckle was deep and mesmerizing. “I wouldn’t know since I don’t have any. My brother is covered in them, though. When did you get it?”

“Three weeks ago,” Milo said. “I don’t regret it. Rob did an amazing job, though it’s hard to see it since it’s on my back. I have to twist and turn just to get a glimpse. Thankfully Rob took a picture of it with my phone when he was done, so I don’t have to always contort my body if I want to look at my ink.”

“Do you mind if I see it?” Colt asked.

“Now?” Milo glanced at the large glass window next to them and saw that the customers had left. Only Ajax was inside, but he had his back turned, doing something behind the counter. Still… “I don’t want to take my shirt off in public.”

Guys did it all the time in the summer, but Milo was modest and a bit shy. He didn’t have ripped abs or guns like the topless men he’d seen around town.

Colt got up. “I’ll stand right here and you move in front of me. I’ll block the view so anyone who comes into the café won’t be able to see you.”

“I just don’t want anyone to get jealous of my skinny, pale chest.” Milo stood, unsure if he should do as Colt asked. “I worked hard at not doing any exercises to maintain the lack of definition.”

“I love your sense of humor.” Colt placed his hands on Milo’s hips and moved him until the interior of the shop was no longer in view. Milo stood there for a moment and simply stared up at Colt, lost in the guy’s eyes as he reveled in having Colt’s hands on him.

Colt didn’t say anything as he gazed down at Milo. Just like last night, it was as if Milo was in a trance. What really blew his mind was the fact the wolf’s eyes on his back were green.

The same dark hue as Colt’s.

It had been a last-minute decision, and Milo still wasn’t sure why he’d made the change from blue to green eyes.

“Tattoo, right.” Milo gave Colt his back and then pulled his shirt over his head, clutching the fabric in his fists. “Be completely honest. What do you think?”

The tattoo covered Milo’s entire shoulder blade. It depicted the same scene that was on his phone case because Milo loved that image so much. Only he’d asked the artist to make the wolf appear lost and heartbroken. Rob had exceeded Milo’s wildest expectations, making the wolf’s eyes appear as if the creature had a tortured soul.

He shivered when Colt’s finger ghosted over his skin, almost as if tracing each line. “It’s beautiful, Milo,” he said softly. “The artist did an incredible job. He captured the loneliness and heartache in the wolf’s eyes perfectly.”

“That’s why he charges the big bucks.” Milo closed his eyes, goose bumps breaking out all over him as Colt continued to trace the ink. He could stand there for hours letting Colt’s finger glide over his bare skin. Never in Milo’s life had he felt such a deep connection to anyone else, as if he’d known Colt forever.

“Do you mind if I take a picture of it?” Colt hadn’t stopped his featherlight touch when he asked.

“I don’t mind.” Milo wasn’t sure why Colt wanted a picture, but a feeling of excitement shot through him knowing the guy would have the pic on his phone.

He could sense Colt digging his phone from his pocket, but his finger never let Milo’s back until he snapped a few photos at different angles.

“Even though you can’t see my face, don’t post those on some weird fetish site,” Milo joked.

“I’ve never been on a fetish site,” Colt replied, his voice still seeming in awe of the tattoo. “If I want to satisfy a kink, I handle it myself.” The guy’s deep chuckle slid over Milo. “That came out all wrong.”

Instead of just his face and ears, heat flushed through Milo’s entire body as an image of Colt, naked and spread out over a comforter, pleasuring himself, filled his mind.

It was the most erotic scene Milo had ever imagined in his head.

“Put your shirt on, shorty. Some customers just walked into the café.”

Milo thought about how upset he’d gotten last night when Colt had referred to Atlas as a shrimp, but truthfully, the word shorty almost sounded like a sweet endearment.

After sliding his shirt back over his head, they sat. Milo checked his phone for the time and saw he had twelve minutes left before he had to walk to work.

The time had gone too dang fast. “Thank you for asking me here this morning. I’ve had a really good time.”
