Page 10 of Colt's Salvation

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“Me, too.” Colt leaned his forearms on the table. “I don’t want you to think I’m being clingy, because that’s not my style, but I’d love to take you to dinner once you get off work. Nothing fancy. We can enjoy a meal at the diner.”

How sad was it that no one had ever taken Milo out on a date? Was it a date? He’d been in two relationships in the past, but his former boyfriends had never taken him out. Adam had been the laziest guy, always crying broke and never wanting to go anywhere. Then he started hitting up Milo for money and had become pissed when Milo said he didn’t have it to give.

Adam also fought a lot with his mother, cursing at her and breaking things. Milo quickly dumped him.

Then there was Keith. Milo’s last boyfriend had so many hangups that he should have been on medication. He refused to make any left turns when driving, freaked out a few times when Milo had accidentally kicked over the edge of the rug in the guy’s apartment, and thought anyone female with a tattoo was a slut and any guy with one was garbage.

Those three things had only been the tip of the iceberg. By the time their relationship ended, Milo felt like he was the one who needed some damn medication. Keith had even been annoying as fuck when it came to correct body posture and using proper English. He had despised slang as if it was a filthy language.

Milo wished Keith all the best at finding anyone who would put up with his ridiculous idiosyncrasies.

Did Colt have any hang-ups or baggage? He’d said something at the reception about his mom being was a cruel, heartless bitch who’d derived pleasure out of torturing him.

Milo hoped Colt didn’t have any deep-seated issues because he really liked the guy. He’d never felt so overwhelmingly attracted to someone before. Not like this. Not to the point that he became enthralled whenever he was near Colt.

“I don’t get off of work until seven,” Milo said. “I don’t have to work Tuesday. We could meet up for lunch.”

He was always exhausted after work, and Milo didn’t want to be too tired to enjoy Colt’s company. All he ever wanted to do after a long day was go home, shower, and chill in his room.

“Two days.” Colt rubbed his bearded chin as he looked as if he was thinking it over, though there was a playful glint in his eyes.

“We can talk on the phone and text until we meet up again,” Milo suggested. Two days seemed a long time to him, too. He wanted to hear Colt’s voice before then and get to know the guy through calls and text messages.

“I’d really like that,” Colt said. “It won’t be the same as being with you in person, but I think I can suffer through forty-eight hours without seeing you.”

Milo grinned. He liked that Colt wanted to spend time with him. That meant he hadn’t bored the guy today. “You have my number, though I can’t be on my phone at work.”

“You tell me the hours I can’t contact you, and I’ll make sure that I don’t.” Colt stood. “I know you have to get going. I’ll walk you to your car.”

“I don’t have a car.” Milo got up and grabbed his glass. He was going to ask Ajax to put his drink in a to-go cup. It was too good to waste.

“Do you live in town?” Colt pushed his chair in, and so did Milo, hating that their time together had ended.

“I live off of Bask Road.”

Colt’s dark brows furrowed. “You walked here? That has to be a good ten miles, shorty.”

“I don’t mind walking.” Milo skirted around Colt and headed for the glass door. “I’m used to it, and it’s good for my heart.”

“At least let me drive you to work.” Colt held the door for him, and Milo ducked under his arm, loving that he’d felt cocooned for five seconds. Whatever cologne the guy was wearing smelled so good that Milo wanted to shove his nose in Colt’s neck and get a lungful.

“The grocery store is a fifteen-minute walk from here.” Milo went to the counter and asked Ajax to transfer his drink into a plastic cup. He could do fifteen minutes with ease.

“Please.” Colt rested a hand on Milo’s upper arm. “I would really like to drive you there.”

Since it would give him a bit more time with Colt, Milo nodded. “Okay, but don’t make a habit out of chauffeuring me around. My feet might get used to being pampered.”

When they were outside, Colt led him to a burnt orange Range Rover that gleamed under the rays of the sun. “This is yours?”

“My tastes are simple.” He hit the fob and unlocked it. “Hop in, handsome.”

Milo was mindful of his drink as he climbed into the passenger seat. The interior was burnt-orange and black, and there was a large touchscreen on the dash with a ton of buttons below it.

It even smelled brand-new. Milo had never been inside a luxury truck before and was nervous about spilling his drink. “This is really nice,” he said when Colt slid into the driver’s seat.

“Thanks.” Colt pushed a button to start it, and Milo noticed how quiet the engine was. Eric’s battered pickup made a lot of weird noises and smelled like burning motor oil. The seats were worn and ripped in a few spots, and his AC didn’t even work. It definitely wasn’t as clean as Colt’s truck, either.

Colt reversed from the parking space then drove forward, the car moving effortlessly down the street.
