Page 8 of Colt's Salvation

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Then Milo stood in front of the mirror and twisted the ends of his hair, trying to look his best. The clothes he had on weren’t his most flattering, but there was nothing he could do about that.

Grabbing his wallet and phone, Milo headed out. Since he didn’t have a car, he would have to walk to Bluebird Café, which meant he had to leave now for his meetup with Colt if he wanted to make it on time.

The only vehicle parked off to the side of the house was Eric’s beat-up red truck with two large rust spots on the back. Milo would have asked for a ride, but if his uncle gave him a lift, that would mean getting to town way too early. Besides, Milo tried his best to interact with Eric as little as possible.

The day was warm, and the sun was beating down, making Milo sweat like crazy by the time he made it to the café. Screw a coffee. He wanted something cold to cool him off. Something with plenty of ice sounded perfect.

The walk had also taken longer than Milo had expected. Now he wouldn’t have an hour with Colt like he’d hope for. He would only have half that time before he had to head to work.

As soon as Milo stepped inside the quaint coffee shop, the cool exterior dried the sweat, making his skin itch. Colt was already there, leaning his hip against the counter as he talked with Ajax, the owner of Bluebird Café.

Milo was still as wildly attracted to Colt as he’d been last night. Just like the night before, Milo had an overwhelming urge to touch the guy, to trace Colt’s muscular arms and chest, to feel the guy’s beard under his fingers.

Colt’s jeans hugged his backside, accentuating its roundness. Milo thoroughly appreciated a nicely shaped ass. Colt wore a soft gray T-shirt and stylish black Trento boots, which Milo recognized because he had always wanted a pair but could never afford them.

His gaze slid back up Colt’s body, lingering on his ass once more, and then continued to the man’s muscular torse. It wasn’t until Milo reached Colt’s gorgeous face that he realized both men were staring at him.

He’d just been caught ogling Colt’s sexy physique. Heat erupted over Milo’s face and ears as he cleared his throat and walked to the counter, praying neither man said anything to him about his lustful appreciation of Colt.

“Good morning.” Colt’s smile brought an immediate softening to his features. Or maybe it was the fact of seeing him during daylight hours instead of at night. Whichever the reason, Milo found himself falling under Colt’s spell once again.

“Hi.” Milo returned the smile, hoping it wasn’t too wide and cheesy looking.

“What can I get you two?” Ajax asked.

Colt looked at Milo to allow him to order first. He was standing so close that Milo could have reached out and grazed his fingers over the guy’s chest.

Don’t you dare start touching him again. He was nice about it last night, but squeezing his thick guns might come off as intrusive and needy.

“A large strawberry lemonade with ice.” Milo reached for his wallet, but Colt held up his hand.

“I invited you, so it’s my treat.” Colt turned his gaze toward Ajax. “Give me the same.”

“I’ll bring your drinks to your table,” Ajax said.

Colt glanced down at Milo. The guy really was tall as hell. “Do you want to sit on the patio or stay inside?”

“Outside is fine.” The patio was shaded from the sun, and now Milo was a bit chilly from the central air circulating inside. Besides, there were people in the café, and Milo preferred to have Colt all to himself.

As the two headed for the glass patio door, Colt rested his hand on the small of Milo’s back. Then Colt held open the door for him, allowing Milo to go first and choose what table to sit at.

“After the chaos with Dan and me being rude to you last night, I didn’t think you would show, especially since you were running late.” Colt sat across from Milo at a back table. He would rather have had Colt sit next to him, but now Milo could gaze at the guy’s rugged features and pretty green eyes.

“It took longer to get here than I anticipated, and we cleared up our rudeness toward each other last night,” he said. “If you recall, we ended our conversations on the subject of wolves.”

Colt’s dark green eyes sparkled. “That’s not something I’m going to forget. Have you ever seen one in real-life?”

“When I was six, my mom took me to the zoo. That’s when I fell in love with them. We went back a few times during the summer each year until I was ten.” Milo looked up when Ajax brought their drinks out, along with napkins and two wrapped straws.

“Thank you,” Milo said.

“Let me know if you guys need anything else.” Ajax walked away, leaving them alone again.

“So, you’ve been fascinated with the majestic animals since you were a kid.” Colt took a sip of his drink, minus the straw, and Milo caught himself licking his bottom lip, wishing he was the rim of that glass. He was dying to know what Colt’s lips tasted like and if they were as soft as they appeared.

Leaning forward, Milo whispered, “Don’t tell anyone, but I have a wolf tattooed on my right shoulder blade.”

Colt winked. “Your secret is safe with me.”
