Page 7 of Colt's Salvation

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“I guess that would be okay.” Milo took out his phone, unlocked it, and handed it to Colt. “Call your phone so I can store your number.”

Colt hid his shock at the phone cover when he’d turned it over to look at it. The case itself was black, but there was a glowing moon partially hidden by clouds, and below that was a wolf with its head thrown back, clearly howling.

“Got a thing for wolves?” Colt asked as he called his phone and then hung up when he heard it ring in his pocket.

“They’re majestic animals.” Milo accepted his phone back. “There’s a certain haunting quality to them that I find intriguing, yet they’re also incredibly fierce. They have a strong sense of protection and won’t hesitate to attack anyone who threatens their mate.”

Neither would Colt. “Haunting?”

Milo shrugged. “The image on my case always makes me think the wolf is howling because its lonely and in pain. I just want to hug it and brush my hand through its fur.”

Colt was taken aback because that wolf was a representation of how he felt almost all the time. “Are you free tomorrow morning? I’d love to meet up with you at Bluebird Café and hear more on your take of wolves.”

“I have to work my job tomorrow afternoon, but I guess we can meet an hour before my shift starts. Does ten sound good?”

“Sounds perfect.” Colt wanted to stand there for the rest of the night and talk to his mate. He knew the human felt the pull. It had been evident when Milo had touched his face and rested his hands on Colt’s hips earlier.

Now Colt wanted to kiss him, wanted to feel those soft-looking lips on his.

“I have to help load everything on the truck. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Milo walked away but glanced over his shoulder, giving Colt an enchanting smile.

Colt had to remember not to come on too strong when they met in the morning. Evidently that made Milo uneasy. He also had to act like he had two brains cells between his ears and try to refrain from pulling his mate into his arms when they saw each other again.

That was going to be a challenge, but Colt loved challenges.

“You all set?” Kellen asked as he and Atlas joined him.

“Did you take my advice?” Atlas asked.

With a wide grin, Colt replied, “We’re having coffee tomorrow.”

“See!” Atlas chuckled. “I knew that approach would work.”

“Congratulations on finding your mate.” Kellen clapped him on his shoulder. “Just give us a heads-up when you finally bring Milo to the house so we can give you two some privacy.”

“I’ll hang this tie on the staircase railing.” Colt loosened the tie around his neck. He liked how nicely he cleaned up but couldn’t wait to slide on some comfy jogging pants and a T-shirt.

“Let’s go, Casanova,” Atlas said before he and Kellen headed toward where they were parked.

Glancing at the catering truck, Colt was hoping to catch a glimpse of Milo but didn’t see him.

Tomorrow couldn’t come fast enough.

Chapter Three

Milo had changed his clothes three times since he’d gotten out of the shower. He wanted to look good for Colt, but at the same time, he was going to work after their coffee. Not a chance Milo was showing up to his job in nice clothes. Not when he was always dirty by the end of his shift. He had to find a balance between casualwear and something he didn’t mind getting dust and food on.

Which was the reason for changing his clothes numerous times in the past forty-five minutes. Milo started to change again, unhappy with the jeans and the almost-dress shirt he had on, but he forced himself to stay away from his drawers and closet. It wasn’t as if he had a lot of choices in the first place, and the only thing he would end up doing was putting back on the clothes he’d already discarded.

“You’re heading out earlier.”

Milo’s uncle leaned a shoulder against the doorframe as he sipped his coffee, his other hand tucked in his front pocket. Too bad Eric’s good looks didn’t match the man’s violent personality. His hair was as dark as Milo’s, but he kept it cut short. His eyes were a yellowish-green that Milo had always found strange, but pretty, and he was lean with muscles. His uncle was also a good foot taller than him.

“I just have some things I have to do before work.” So far, Dan hadn’t called Eric. Milo knew this because his uncle was being pleasant. Eric wasn’t a jerk twenty-four-seven. Most of the time he was somewhat decent. It was when he either drank from that red bottle in the living room or was pissed off about something that he turned his sights on Milo.

Most of the time Milo hadn’t done anything wrong, but when Eric was in a foul mood, he always found something to nitpick to justify his anger toward his nephew.

“Bring some groceries from work.” Eric walked away, leaving Milo to put away the clothes he’d decided not to wear.
