Page 42 of Colt's Salvation

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Colt rested Milo’s knuckles against his beard. The look Atlas had described to him sparkled in his mate’s green eyes. A look of pure adoration and…was that love? “You are the most amazing man I have ever met. I’m so proud of you for fighting back, shorty. When Kellen’s phone chimed, telling us that someone was near the house, I couldn’t drive fast enough to get us to you and Atlas. Then I saw Hayley’s car parked out outside, the front door wide open, and my heart gave out.”

If Colt hadn’t gotten there when he did, Hayley would have succeeded in killing Milo. “What happened at my uncle’s house?” he whispered.

Colt closed his eyes, and Milo had his answer.

“It’s not your fault, Colt.” He touched his mate’s jaw, gently scratching his fingernails against his mate’s soft beard. “I’ll never look at you differently for protecting me.”

“I just don’t want you to see that side of me, Milo.” Colt opened his eyes. “I don’t ever want you looking at me like I’m a monster.”

Milo tugged until Colt leaned closer, and then he curled his arms around his mate’s neck, hugging him. “You’re not a monster, Colt. You’re my guardian wolf who watches over me.”

“Always,” Colt whispered.

Chapter Thirteen

Colt frowned and turned over in bed when he heard something tinkling, reminding him of glass tapping together. Milo walked into their bedroom, carrying a large serving tray. “What’s this?” he asked as he sat up.

Milo set the tray on the bed, splashes of orange juice on the white hand towel he’d lined the tray with. His mate smiled at him. “I got up an hour ago and decided to make you breakfast in bed.”

Colt was deeply moved since Milo was the first person who’d ever done this for him. On the tray sat a plate filled with pancakes, sausage, and scrambled eggs, as well as two glasses of orange juice and silverware.

“I see you recreated the breakfast we made together.” Colt swallowed roughly as he stared at the man he loved more than life itself.

It had been two weeks since the incidents with Eric and Hayley. Milo’s drawers were filled to the brim with the new clothes Colt had ordered for him, his mother’s jewelry box perched on top of his dresser, the photo album tucked in a drawer.

Colt had contacted Deputy Cannon Lowery that night and told the guy about Eric’s body and how the jaguar had been abusing Milo for three years. In their world, the justice was different, especially when it came to mates.

Cannon considered the case closed.

Since the night of Hayley’s attack, Milo had formed a strong friendship with Atlas, but he’d formed an even deeper bond with Colt. His mate laughed more often than he had before, his hazel eyes sparkling with happiness. Colt was still far from perfect, but he was getting better, Milo continuing to quiet the chaos that lived inside of him.

“Atlas tried to help, so I let him pour the orange juice.” Milo pursed his lips. “As you can see his aim was off, but he seemed so pleased to help that I didn’t say anything about the drops he spilled.”

“You made his day.” Colt smiled as he sat up, placing the blanket over his naked lap. He picked up the fork. “This looks incredible, shorty. I almost don’t want to eat it and erase your efforts.”

Milo took the fork from him. “After the mess I left in the kitchen, we’re demolishing every bite.” He scooped up a forkful of fluffy eggs and held it to Colt’s lips. “Open wide and taste my steamy delight.”

Colt burst out laughing. “I guess that’s as close as we’re going to get to filthy eggs.” His laughter died down as his voice grew husky. “I’ll taste your steamy delight anytime you hold it close to my mouth, sweetheart.”

He opened, and Milo slipped the fork inside, and then Colt slid his lips over the tines, groaning at how good the eggs tasted but also to make the bite obscene.

Milo sat there with his lips parted, staring at Colt’s mouth, his breathing growing shallow. “You make me want to feed you eggs all day.”

“I’d rather you feed me your cock.” He slid the tray to the foot of the bed, taking the fork from Milo and setting it next to the plate. Colt pulled Milo into his arms, amazed at how much he loved the guy.

He turned and placed Milo on his back as he stared into his mate’s gorgeous eyes. “How about we have dessert first?”

“Our breakfast will be cold by then.” But Milo made no move to get up. He curled his hands around Colt’s biceps, pulling him closer until their lips met in a slow, sensual kiss that had Colt’s body instantly hard. He slid Milo toward the pillows, careful not to upset the tray.

“That’s what microwaves are for.” Colt glided his lips over Milo’s jaw, moving his hands down his mate’s side. There had been massive bruising where Hayley had punched Milo, but Colt was thankful his jaw was now unblemished. His mate’s entire body was flawless.

“Hang on.” Milo twisted under Colt and crawled toward the nightstand, grabbing the lube.

Colt trapped his mate on all fours then lowered his pajama pants and underwear. A low growl vibrated in his throat as he parted Milo’s cheeks, his puckered hole on display.

With a hunger that had nothing to do with their breakfast, Colt lapped at the tight ring of muscles, probing his tongue inside as Milo whimpered, his shoulders lowering to the bed.

Colt would never get enough of his mate even if he lived to be a thousand. He delved his tongue deeper, reveling in the taste and feel of Milo’s body. Then he reared back onto his knees and pulled Milo upright, tugging the guy’s shirt over his head.
