Page 43 of Colt's Salvation

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The wolf on his mate’s shoulder continued to steal his breath no matter how many times he saw it. Colt traced the ink with his fingers, still stunned that Milo had gotten it three weeks before they’d met. Only, the feeling of the wolf representing Colt’s pain was gradually fading. Milo was his salvation, slowly healing Colt in ways he never thought possible.

They’d yet to return to their spot, and Colt still hadn’t shifted for his mate. He planned to change that tonight.

Milo dropped back down, handing Colt the lube. He took it and then drizzled some of the gel onto his hand. He inched two fingers inside Milo’s ass before he blanketed his mate’s back, kissing and lapping at his nape and shoulders.

Milo groaned, rocking backward to impale himself over and over again. “I need more, Colt,” he whined.

Pulling his fingers free, Colt lubed his cock and then rubbed the head of his shaft against Milo’s entrance, teasing him. Then he gripped his mate’s hips before slowly sinking inside as a strangled moan escaped his lips. Milo’s body welcomed him, squeezing him tightly as Colt bottomed out. Colt stilled for a moment, savoring the feeling of being connected to his mate on such a deep level.

“Fucking heaven.” He pulled out almost all the way before thrusting back in with a groan that rivaled Milo’s own.

His mate met him halfway, his body moving in time with Colt’s brutal pace. Every touch, every sound, every thrust was imprinted on Colt’s soul. He gripped Milo’s hips tighter as he drove deeper and faster.

A sheen of sweat covered their bodies, glistening in the morning light slipping between the blind slats. Colt wrapped one arm around Milo’s chest and pulled him upright until they were pressed together. Thrusting upward, Colt bit down on Milo’s shoulder as he felt his orgasm building deep in his gut.

Milo cried out as his hole clamped around Colt’s dick seconds before Colt followed suit, filling his mate with his seed. They knelt there, Milo held up by Colt’s strong arm. Colt eased his canines free and licked the wound and then said against his mate’s ear, “I love you, shorty.”

His mate reached back and touched Colt’s cheek. “I love you, too.”

The first time Milo had said those words to him a week ago, Colt’s heart had filled with pure joy. He would never tire of hearing his mate say them. The feelings of worthlessness and self-loathing weren’t as strong as they’d been before. Those feelings still resided inside Colt, and he wasn’t sure they would ever fully go away, but Milo constantly built Colt up, making him feel like the luckiest man alive.

What had started out as a plan to find a hookup at the reception had changed Colt’s life irrevocably. All it had taken was a pocket-sized human to caress his jaw and shine a beautiful light to help Colt find his way out of the darkness.

* * * *

Milo bounced in his seat next to Colt as they drove to their favorite spot later that same night. He couldn’t believe he was finally going to meet Colt’s wolf face-to-face. It was like a dream come true.

“You keep bouncing in your seat and I’ll be getting naked for another reason, shorty.” Colt eyed him as he smiled. “I know you love wolves, but is seeing mine that exciting?”

Milo stared in disbelief at his mate. “Your wolf looks exactly like the one on my shoulder. Are you freaking kidding me? It’s going to be like seeing my inked wolf come to life. Hell yeah, it’s exciting! It’s more than exciting. I feel like I’m going to pass out from the sheer magic off it all.”

Colt chuckled and shook his head. “You definitely know how to make a guy feel special.”

Leaning over, Milo kissed his mate’s bearded jaw. “That’s because you are. You’ve been nothing but magical to me since the moment we met, Colt.”

Was his mate blushing? Milo grinned and rested his head on Colt’s shoulder, still amazed at how happy the guy made him. Not just because he’d rescued Milo from a miserable life but also because Colt was the most caring and loving man anyone could ask for.

They pulled into their spot, and Milo damn near jumped out before Colt had parked.

“Slow down, Milo.” Colt grabbed his arm. “If you get out before the truck has stopped, we’re turning back around and going home.”

Milo gasped as he stared at his mate. “You wouldn’t dare do that to me!”

“Then stop trying to give me a damn heart attack.” Colt finally parked, depositing his wallet and phone in the center console before he closed it.

“What, no lube?” Milo teased.

“The night is still young.”

Colt got out, and Milo bounded out of his seat. His mate looked around and then stripped naked. Milo’s brain froze as he stared at the guy’s gorgeous body. If Milo wasn’t so wired to see his mate’s wolf, he’d spread Colt out on the picnic table and ride his fat cock.

Once Colt stored his clothes in the truck and hid his keys, he led Milo into the forest. “Ready?”

“My entire life.” Milo twisted his hands together as he bit his lip.

Colt arched a brow. “You’re more excited to see my wolf than to see my naked body. I think I’m offended.”

Milo crossed his arms. “Stop being a baby and shift already. Like you said, the night is still young. I want my wolf, Colt.”
