Page 41 of Colt's Salvation

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The pain started to ease in Milo’s head. The room began to come back into focus. “I think he just knocked the sense out of me. My head still hurts, but things are slowly coming back into focus.”

“Should I call an ambulance?” The worry never left Atlas’s gray eyes.

“I think I’m okay. Help me sit up.”

“Are you sure?” Atlas pressed firmly against Milo’s chest when he tried to sit up. “Let’s wait until Colt examines you before you try to do jumping jacks. Just lie here and stare at my pretty face, and I’ll keep gazing into your gorgeous hazel eyes.”

“Stop flirting with me.” Milo chuckled then regretted making the sound when a sharp pulse shot through his head. “I need some migraine pills.”

“Here come Colt and Kellen.” Atlas moved aside, Colt taking his place.

Colt gave a comforting smile, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “Tell me what hurts, sweetheart.”

Kellen crouched on the other side of Milo, a look of deep concern on his face. “Should we take him to the hospital? He was coldcocked by a shifter.”

Colt made Milo do the same tests that Atlas had done. He made Milo wiggle his fingers and move his legs. Then he had Milo follow his finger.

“I wanted to sit up, but Atlas got bossy and made me lie still,” Milo said. “I’m okay. My head hurts like hell, and my throat burns, but I’ll live.”

“We’ll let a doctor determine that.” Colt pulled out his phone. “I’m calling an ambulance, and you’re going to the hospital.”

“Since they killed Hayley and dragged his body out, say someone broke in and assaulted you but got away before Colt and Kellen arrived,” Atlas said. “We’ll follow you two in the ambulance.”

Milo really didn’t think it was necessary, but he was outvoted. When the ambulance arrived, a collar was put around Milo’s neck and he was loaded and driven away, Colt still at his side.

Three hours later, the doctor walked into Milo’s cramped room in the ER. “I’m Dr. Baldwin, and I have good news, Mr. Landon.” He stood by Milo’s bed since the only chair at his bedside was already taken by Colt. Kellen and Atlas were standing off to the side. “Your tests came back, and luckily, you didn’t sustain any serious injuries beyond a mild concussion.”

Colt sighed heavily, his relief evident as his hold on Milo’s hand tightened.

“Thank god,” Atlas said.

“Are you sure you have the right tests?” Milo asked. “There’s no way that’s the only thing wrong. I got my ass handed to me. It felt like a brick wall slammed into my jaw.”

Dr Baldwin patted Milo’s arm. “I’m positive I received the correct tests results.”

“If you say so,” Milo groaned. “Just put me in a body cast and let me wheel out of here. I’m ready to go home.”

The doctor chuckled, but Colt just sat there holding Milo’s hand.

“Since you’re mated, you’ll heal faster,” the doctor said. “I still want you on bedrest until you’re steady on your feet. I’m prescribing something to help with your throat and some pain medication for your head. You’re a very lucky man.” He patted Milo’s arm again.

“You’re not human?” Milo frowned.

“I’m a lion shifter, Mr. Landon. I spoke with Colt while you were getting your tests. He told me what happened. It’s a miracle you didn’t sustain more serious injuries fighting a shifter. The guy might have been a gazelle, but he was still ten times stronger than you. I’m just glad you’re going to be okay. I’ll start the process for your release.”

When the doctor walked out, Milo turned to Colt, croaking out, “Gazelle?”

“No shit,” Atlas said in surprise. “Aren’t they supposed to be docile animals?”

“Not if they’re insane,” Kellen snarled. “I should have Dr. Baldwin check out your side.”

Atlas waved away his mate’s concern. “I’m breathing fine and have minimal bruising. I’m certain I’ll live.”

“We’re going to give you two some privacy.” Kellen smiled down at Milo. “I can never repay you for keeping Atlas safe. I’m not really known for offering my friendship, Milo. Even if you hadn’t saved the love of my life, I’d still consider you family. You have my loyalty, and I’ll always have your back.” He took Atlas’s hand and left the room.

“I’m sorry.” Colt moved his chair closer to the bed, pressing his lips against Milo’s knuckles. “I was supposed to protect you. I don’t even know how Hayley found the house. I swear to you on my life that I broke things off with him a month before you and I met.”

“I believe you,” Milo said in a raspy voice. “When Atlas called me your husband, Hayley knocked me to the floor, choking me. Eric’s years of abuse flashed in my head, and something inside of me snapped.”
