Page 40 of Colt's Salvation

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Now Milo knew how Atlas had felt when he was in that vampire’s grip. Milo’s throat burned, and he wondered if Hayley had crushed his windpipe. Every breath was like swallowing fire.

Hayley shrieked and jumped on Colt’s back. Colt dropped Milo, and Milo hit the floor, pain exploding in his arm as he landed on it. Un-fucking-believable.

With a deadly growl, Colt reached behind him and tore Hayley off his back, slamming the guy against the wall with his hand around Hayley’s throat. “I don’t know how you tracked me down, but I’m going to rip out your spine for touching my mate,” Colt snarled with murder in his green eyes and his canines at full length.

Milo looked to his right and saw Kellen on the floor, Atlas in his lap as he rocked his mate, softly whispering to him.

“He’s not your mate!” Hayley screamed, but it came out muffled since Colt was pressing on the guy’s windpipe. “We were meant to be together!”

“We dated for two months, you psycho bitch,” Colt snarled. “I made it clear it was over even before I found my mate.”

Unsure where he gathered the strength to stand, Milo pushed to his feet, the room spinning. When he spoke, his words sounded like a strained croak. “Colt is mine. I will do more than bloody your nose and break your arm if you don’t back down.”

Hayley sagged and started crying. If he hadn’t attacked them, Milo might have felt sorry for him. Might have. It was clear that Hayley was obsessed with Colt since he’d found a way to track him down. That was dedicated lunacy.

“You can’t be mated,” Hayley wailed as Colt set the guy on his feet, removing his hand. He tried to grab Colt, as if to hug him, but Colt knocked the guy’s hands away with a look of disgust.

“Apologize to Milo for attacking him and I might let you live,” Colt said with a menacing growl then turned to Milo. “How badly did he hurt you?”

Milo pointed to his throat. “Atlas and I were kicking his ass until he got the upper hand.”

Colt actually smirked. “No shit.”

“I jumped on his back, and Milo broke his nose,” Atlas said from across the room. “Your mate kicked him in the nuts, rammed that heavy statue-thing into his chest, and broke his arm, but that was only after that crazy bitch attacked him.”

Colt looked at Milo with pride. “Nice.”

Despite his pain, Milo grinned, feeling his face flush from embarrassment. “I don’t like violence, but he forced me to defend myself. I didn’t really lose my shit until he tried to hurt Atlas.”

Up until then, Milo had been nearly paralyzed with fear from thinking about his uncle beating him, but he didn’t say that out loud.

“Make him leave, Colt.” Milo really needed to stop talking. The more he spoke, the more his throat burned.

Colt turned his attention back to Hayley, his smile evaporating, replaced by a savage glint in his green eyes. “Leave town, Hayley. Forget I exist, or I swear I’ll kill you.”

Kellen rose to his feet, setting Atlas on the couch. He stormed toward Hayley, his features twisted into rage. “You hurt my mate. I’m going to return the favor.”

Colt moved as if to stop Kellen. When he turned his back to Hayley, the bastard spang and punched Milo so hard in the jaw that Milo thought it shattered. He hit the floor, landing on his back, unable to focus as pain ripped through his skull.

The growls sounded a million miles away as Milo lay there, wondering for a second if Hayley had actually killed him. Atlas dropped to his knees next to Milo, worry in his gray eyes. “Talk to me, Milo!”

He couldn’t. His brain had been rattled too badly, the worst pain imaginable pulsing in his skull and radiating down his body. It honestly felt as if Hayley had knocked his head clean off. “It…hurts.”

Even worse than his throat.

Atlas touched his chest. “Don’t move. I don’t know what damage he’s done.” Then he leaned in closer and whispered, “Colt and Kellen just tore him apart. I’m concentrating on your face so I don’t have to look at what’s left of Hayley. The sound alone is making me want to vomit.”

Milo couldn’t stop blinking, praying like hell that Atlas didn’t throw up on him. He was also hoping Hayley hadn’t caused any serious damage. The guy hadn’t been able to get in a full swing because he’d been between Colt and the wall. If he had, Milo might have died.

“Look at me,” Atlas said softly. “Don’t pay attention to what Colt and Kellen are doing right now.”

From the corner of his eye, blurry shadows walked past him. The smell of blood was overwhelming, a metallic scent that made Milo’s mouth water as if he were going to be sick.

“Can you wiggle your fingers?” Atlas asked.

Milo wiggled them.

Atlas smiled. “Very good. Can you move your legs?”
