Page 39 of Colt's Salvation

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They walked out of the bedroom and headed for the front door. Milo doubted it was Eric. Colt and Kellen hadn’t returned yet, but it was highly unlikely that Eric had followed them back and raced to the front door before the brothers came in through the back.

Atlas swung the door open. Standing on the other side was a tall and slender young man with delicate features and silky brown hair. His piercing blue eyes were captivating, making him undeniably attractive.

“Can I help you?” Atlas asked as Milo came to stand next to him.

“I’m here to see Colt.” The stranger might have been gorgeous, but his tone left something to be desired. It was haughty, as if he was irritated that he had to deal with Atlas and Milo.

“And you are?” Milo asked as his gaze swept over the guy, a surge of jealousy flying through him.

“I’m Hayley, and Colt is my boyfriend.”

Chapter Twelve

Milo would have been less shocked if Hayley had slugged him in the gut.

“You’re full of shit!” Atlas argued.

Milo became lightheaded. After getting to know Colt, he refused to believe that his mate would betray him with some hidden lover, and no one was going to convince him otherwise.

“I have no idea who either of you are, and I really don’t care. Bring Colt to the door now,” Hayley demanded.

“We aren’t doing shit,” Atlas argued. “You’re delusional since Colt’s husband is standing right next to me.”

A feral look entered Hayley’s eyes right before he bared small canines and attacked Milo. When they hit the floor, Atlas jumped on the guy’s back, smacking Hayley in the head and shoulders.

“Get off of him, you tramp!”

For a brief moment, memories of Eric’s abuse flooded Milo’s mind as Hayley tried to get to him, but Atlas wasn’t having it. Then something snapped inside of Milo. He brought his knee up, nailing Hayley in the nuts. The guy jerked upward, trying to get Atlas off his back. Milo grabbed the closest thing to him, swinging the heavy statue of a guy pushing a large boulder up a hill at Hayley.

When the hefty figurine made contact, Hayley’s nose exploded with blood.

Atlas continued to punch the guy. Milo swung again, this time hitting Hayley in the chest, though that swing wasn’t as hard as he’d wanted it to be.

“I’m going to kill you fucking humans!” Hayley shrieked as he reached behind him and yanked Atlas off of him, tossing Kellen’s mate to the floor. “Colt isn’t married to anyone. He’s my mate!”

Atlas scrambled to his feet as Hayley reached for Milo again. Milo swung the small statue like a pro baseball player, nailing the guy in the hand.

“I don’t care what you are. I’ll fight you with everything I have!” Milo shouted.

Something crashed over Hayley’s head. Milo’s eyes widened when he saw that Atlas had smashed a table lamp over him. Unfortunately, Hayley didn’t go down. If anything, the assault only pissed him off more.

Claws grew from his fingernails as he reached for Atlas, but Atlas spun away, narrowly dodging those sharp claws. Milo swung the small stature again, determined to help Atlas, and struck the arm that was reaching for Kellen’s mate. When it sounded as if Milo had broken a bone in Hayley’s hand, he felt sick.

Hayley screamed, clutching his arm. He bared those canines—though they weren’t long and thick like Colt’s were—at Milo, plowing into him and sending Milo flying backward. He hit the floor and skidded a good ten feet before he stopped, and then watched in horror as Hayley backhanded Atlas so hard that he hit the coffee table with a nauseating thud.

Atlas cried out, gripping his side, then he rolled onto the floor, writhing in pain. Milo shoved to his feet and started grabbing things off the bookcase, whipping them at the guy.

Milo heard the roar of a car arriving then the crunch and slide of tires on gravel as it came to a sudden stop.

Hayley dodged the projectiles and leaped toward Milo, taking him down. He straddled Milo and choked him, realizing in a detached way that Hayley’s claws were no longer out. Milo dragged his nails down the guy’s arm, trying desperately to get the lunatic off of him. Blood pounded in Milo’s head as his vision began to fade.

For someone so slim, Hayley was strong as hell. He was going to kill Milo if he didn’t find a way to break the hold. Just as Milo feared he would pass out, Hayley was ripped away and thrown across the room. Milo rolled to his side, his eyes watering, his throat feeling as if it was on fire as he tried to suck air into his lungs.

He needed the oxygen, but it hurt so badly to breathe.

Afraid Hayley would attack him again, Milo tried to crawl away. He made it a few feet before he was lifted off the floor. Milo swung wildly, determined to fight for his life. He wanted a future with Colt, and he wasn’t going to let some scorned harlot take that away from him.

“It’s me!” Colt said as he pulled Milo to his chest. “I’ve got you, shorty. Take slow, shallow breaths.”
