Page 38 of Colt's Salvation

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Atlas nodded as he chewed the cookie and swallowed. “I know how you feel right now. I was shocked beyond words when I found out what the guy was. It was way worse for me since he had me by the throat and I was dangling in the air while he choked me out.”

They were sitting on Colt’s bed, their legs crossed, facing each other with a mountain of snacks between them. The television was long forgotten since Atlas had begun telling Milo about how he’d meet Kellen and everything that had happened afterward.

“I think I need a drink.” Milo pressed his palm against his forehead.

Atlas handed him his can of soda. “Baby sips. You don’t want to get wasted.”

Despite being told that vampires were real, Milo grinned. “Wouldn’t want the carbonation going to my head.”

Atlas chuckled. “Worse, when I went to the emergency room for slugging Colt’s concrete jaw, I saw my best friend and my ex-boyfriend together. Come to find out, Braylon had been sleeping with Glen even when I was still dating the jerk.” Atlas popped some M&Ms into his mouth. “I was devastated, even though I’d dumped Glen a month before. Braylon had comforted me while he was warming Glen’s sheets.”

“That’s just foul.” Milo took a sip of his drink. He really liked Atlas, even though he’d initially been uncomfortable around the guy.

Milo never really had friends. In high school, he’d talked to a few people, but they’d never hung out. Even though his mom would always be his best friend, Milo liked having someone his own age to hang out with.

Someone who knew about the nonhuman world.

“Tell me about it,” Atlas agreed. “But I have Kellen now, and he’s introduced me to two of his friends. A mated couple. You’ve got to meet Sam. He’s a mate like us and fun to be around.”

“I still can’t believe you socked Colt on the jaw.” A part of Milo wanted to be pissed, but Atlas had done that trying to defend Kellen. The guy hadn’t exactly told his story in a seamless timeline. Atlas had been all over the place, telling Milo first about how Colt had been ready to kill Kellen when he thought his brother had put bruises on Atlas’s neck.

If anything, that endeared Colt to him, knowing his mate was ready to protect Atlas even though he didn’t have all the facts before he and his brother had gone for blows.

“What about you?” Atlas bit another cookie. It was a mystery how the guy didn’t weigh more with as many sugary snacks as he consumed. Maybe Atlas didn’t do that all the time.

“What about me?” Milo set his can aside then told Atlas about his life with his mom, her failed marriage, and how he’d had to move in with his uncle.

“Is he the one who hurt you?” Atlas rested a hand on Milo’s knee.

“How do you know about that?” Had Colt told his brother and Atlas about his bruises? Milo wasn’t sure if he should be pissed or not.

“It’s not what you think,” Atlas said. “Colt didn’t run to us and spill the beans like some gossip. After he came home and lit into me and Kellen for no reason, he tore his room apart. Ever since I found out about their past, I’ve kind of taken Colt under my wing, sharing my family with him because all he had was Kellen. He’s like a brother to me, Milo, and I hope one day Kellen and I will be like brothers to you. I was just worried about him when he went off the deep end.”

“When he thought I rejected him,” Milo said as he stared down at his feet. “I understand why he would think that, but…” Milo cleared his throat, hating to think about the pain Colt had been in. “When I first saw Colt at the reception, it was like a spell was cast over me. I know that sounds corny, but—”

“No it doesn’t,” Atlas interrupted. “I fell hard for Kellen when we met at Fearless Fox. I kept telling myself I didn’t want to be bothered and wasn’t impressed with his charm, but I was. I’d never gone home with a stranger before, but I was out the door with him so fast my head spun.”

“Colt said it’s the pull, but I know it can’t just be that.” Milo looked at Atlas. “Maybe at first. I nearly got my uncle fired because I couldn’t stop myself from touching Colt.”

Atlas chuckled. “I remember. I was confused until I saw the way Colt was looking at you. It’s the same way Kellen looks at me.”

Milo frowned. “I think I would have recalled Colt staring at me as if I was his entire universe.”

Atlas smirked. “Then you weren’t paying close enough attention, hon. Someone would have to be blind not to see how enchanted he was with you. He was ready to kick your boss’s ass that night. Also, he was looking at you that way the morning I walked into the kitchen to get those bagels. You weren’t paying attention to Colt, but I saw the way he was looking at you. It wasn’t just enchanted that time. He had a soft look in his eyes that made them sparkle. Only a guy in love looks that way.”

“In love?” Milo nearly choked, though he didn’t have anything in his mouth. “We’ve only known each other about a week!”

Milo wasn’t sure why he found that unbelievable since he was already in love with Colt.

“The way Kellen explained it to me, it’s different for nonhumans. Their entire lives they search for their mate. If they’re fortunate enough to find them, their already halfway in love with them.”

Milo was at a loss for words. Colt was halfway in love with him already? Why hadn’t his mate said anything? Why haven’t you said anything to Colt about how you feel?

They both turned their heads when the doorbell rang.

“Are you expecting someone?” Milo asked.

“No one knows where I live. I’ve yet to invite my parents over.” Atlas got up. “Maybe it’s Morgan and Sam, the mated couple I told you about.”
