Page 35 of Colt's Salvation

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His stomach twisted into knots. Milo hated confrontation. Even in high school he used to keep a low profile so the guys who picked on the gay kids wouldn’t notice him.

All he could do was trust that Colt would get his mom’s things for him before Eric threw everything in the trash.

Chapter Eleven

Nothing was going to stop Colt from getting inside Milo’s house to retrieve his mate’s belongings. As badly as he wanted to kill Eric, Colt would keep the peace as long as the guy didn’t stop him. Afterward, Colt would show Eric what being victimized truly felt like then bury his sorry ass.

“I need a favor,” Colt said when Kellen returned from picking Atlas up from work. He’d yet to tell his brother that he now knew the name of the person who’d beaten Milo.

“What’s up?” Kellen asked as he and Atlas stopped in the kitchen.

When Colt had heard his brother pull up, he’d left Milo in their bedroom, out of earshot. “I need you to take a ride with me,” he said. “Milo told me who beat the shit out of him.”

“Are you going to return the favor?” Atlas asked as anger filled his gray eyes. “Promise me the person isn’t going to get away with what he did to Milo.”

Colt grinned. “Bloodthirsty?”

“I don’t know Milo, but the thought of anyone hurting him enrages me,” Atlas replied. “I’m glad he’s moving in. No one deserves to be abused.”

Atlas knew of Colt and Kellen’s past. Ever since he’d found out, the human had treated Colt like a brother, constantly fussing over him. Colt might act like a brat when Atlas did that, but he secretly loved how nurturing the human was toward him. Lord knew Colt hadn’t experienced that with anyone else until Milo came into his life.

“Actually, I wanted to go to his house to gather his things,” Colt said. “He lives with his uncle, and I need Kellen to stop me from unleashing my rage on the guy until I have Milo’s belongings out of there.”

“I take it the uncle is the one who hurt Milo,” Kellen said. “If he is, you might have to stop me.”

Fuck it. If the uncle died beforehand, Colt was still getting Milo’s stuff. The sight of those bruises on his mate’s torso still haunted him. Every time Colt thought of them, his wolf wanted to break free. Now that he knew who was responsible, he wasn’t holding back his wolf.

“Yeah, he’s the one who did it.” Colt told them about Eric’s violent temper. “I need you to help me pack Milo’s room, since I have no clue how much stuff he has.”

“You also don’t need the piece of shit creeping up on you while your back is turned.” Kellen nodded. “Let’s get it done now.”

“I’ll keep Milo company while you two are gone,” Atlas said. “Since he’s your mate and going to live here, we might as well get to know each other.” He turned to Kellen. “Maybe you should take Morgan with you so Sam can join me and Milo.”

Colt had met Kellen’s friends, and they seemed nice, but he didn’t want his mate to feel overwhelmed. “Maybe another time,” he said to Atlas. “I think Milo might appreciate it being just the two of you for now.”

“You’re right,” Atlas said. “I’ll grab a bunch of snacks, and we can chill in your room and watch TV.”

“Lock up behind us.” Kellen kissed Atlas.

“I’m gonna let Milo know I’m heading out.” Colt was glad Atlas would be there. He knew his mate didn’t like being alone. He was surprised the guy hadn’t followed him to the kitchen.

Colt stepped into their bedroom to find his mate stretched out on the bed, the remote in his hand. The new bedroom furniture was scheduled to arrive in three days. Colt couldn’t wait to get his clothes off the floor and back into drawers. He’d even ordered an extra dresser for his mate, hoping that Milo moved in.

That was before Milo had agreed today.

Placing the remote on the bed, his mate sat up. “You’re heading there, aren’t you?”

After crossing the room, Colt sat beside him. “I have your list in my pocket. I promise not to forget anything.” He brushed aside some imaginary hair on his mate’s forehead, unable to stop himself from touching Milo. “I won’t be gone long, and Atlas is here.” He smiled. “I think he’s dying to be your friend. He wants to load up on snacks and chill in here with you.”

“I guess if I’m going to live here, we should get to know each other.”

Colt laughed. “I swear he just said the same thing in the kitchen.” He had a feeling the two were going to become best friends. “If you need me before I get back, call me.”

Milo held up his phone. “It’s fully charged and ready for me to text you like crazy to see how things are going.”

“You can’t text me that much, or I won’t get your stuff packed,” Colt replied, though he loved that his mate hated being separated from him as much as Colt hated the idea. “Behave, and think of an obscene way to describe scrambled eggs while I’m gone.” He winked. “When I get back, I might even let you pet my wolf.”

“Seriously?” Milo looked as if he was about to do a happy dance. “I wanted to ask you, but I wasn’t sure if that was crossing a line or something.”
