Page 34 of Colt's Salvation

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“It’s pretty secluded around us.” Colt nipped Milo’s throat. “We could have a little fun without worrying about anyone seeing us.” He slid his hand up the front of Milo’s shirt and tweaked his right nipple. “I have a travel-sized lube in my front pocket.”

Milo could listen to Colt’s husky voice all day. “You threw one in your pocket on your way out the door to find me?”

“I’m always prepared.” He slid his tongue across Milo’s collarbone. “I grabbed it out of the center console just in case you decided to take advantage of me in the woods.”

Laughter bubbled up and spilled from Milo’s throat. “You’re the big, bad wolf in the forest who’s trying to get into my basket of goodies.”

“Why don’t we find a patch of soft grass?” Colt helped Milo to his feet, grabbed his hand, and then looked around. “There’s got to be one close by.”

Milo had another idea. “Just keep an eye out for any hikers, bears, and howling wolves.” He lowered to his knees, unfastened his mate’s jeans, and circled his fingers around Colt’s cock.

“The only howling wolf will be me,” Colt groaned.

When Milo pulled the hard shaft free, his mouth watered at the glistening pre-cum already beading at the slit. He leaned in and swirled his tongue around the swollen head, savoring the musky taste of his mate, his own desire spiking as he sucked Colt deeper into his mouth.

Colt hissed, threading his fingers through Milo’s hair as he started to thrust gently. “Fuck, that feels amazing, shorty.”

Milo hummed around Colt’s cock, his own erection throbbing in his jeans. He slid one hand down to palm himself through the fabric, sighing at the small relief it offered.

Then Milo fished his own cock out, slowly stroking himself. His grip on his own cock tightened as he took Colt deeper, the taste of his mate driving him wild. He loved this, loved being on his knees for Colt, loved the way his mate looked down at him with heavy-lidded eyes.

Pleasure numbed Milo’s brain, his thoughts centering around the heavy erection filling his mouth and sliding down his throat with every gentle thrust. His dick was hard, leaking, the ache in his balls growing stronger.

He’d never had sex outside, and the thrill of possibly getting caught only fueled his desire. They were on a path, which meant anyone could walk up on them at any second. Milo never knew he had such an adventurous side to him until now.

“This is so much better than fighting off a bear.” Colt thrust faster, hissing as he watched what Milo was doing to him. If Colt only knew how breathtaking he looked standing over Milo, his green eyes filled with raw passion, his body flexing as he took his pleasure from Milo’s mouth. He was truly a sight to behold.

“Make me come, sweetheart,” Colt groaned. “Squeeze your throat, baby. That’s it. Hollow those soft cheeks. Yes. Shit. You got it.”

Milo moaned around Colt’s cock, sucking harder until his lips met the base of Colt’s dick, jerking himself off a little faster.

“Baby, I’m there. Swallow my cum.” Colt’s teeth clenched as his fingers strangled Milo’s hair. He thrust a few more times, his seed pulsing down Milo’s throat as he shouted Milo’s name. At the same time, Milo’s own orgasm pounded through his body.

“Holy fuck,” Colt said, his breathing ragged. “That was the hottest blow job I’ve ever had.”

Then he looked down at Milo’s hand, and his eyes widened. “I would have done that for you.”

Letting Colt’s softening cock slip out of his mouth, Milo stood, though his knees ached from being pressed into the ground. “It was hot as fuck getting off while you were in my mouth.”

Colt groaned. “The things you say to me, shorty.”

Milo smirked as they righted their clothes. “I have to go to my uncle’s house to get my things.”

“I’d rather buy you a new wardrobe.” Colt tucked his T-shirt into his waistband.

As much as Milo appreciated the offer, there were things in his room that were irreplaceable. “I have to go there, Colt. I have some mementoes of my mom’s, including a photo album.”

“I tell you what, give me a list of the things you want and I’ll go by there later to get your stuff.” He slid his arm over Milo’s shoulders. “I’m not trying to boss you around, because if you recall, that’s your job, but I also don’t want you anywhere near him again.”

It wasn’t as if Milo was thrilled about going there. He just wished he knew when Eric would be gone to avoid any confrontation. Right now would have been a good time since Milo had seen Eric at the grocery store, but there was no guarantee he would stay gone from the house long enough for Milo to grab his belongings.

“What if I forget something on the list?” He didn’t want any of his mom’s things left behind. It was all Milo had left to remember her by. He would be devastated if he lost them.

“If it’s in your bedroom, I’ll get it,” Colt said. “I’ll clear the room out just to make sure.”

“What if Eric won’t let you inside?” Milo watched as a squirrel ran up a tree, staring at them as if it had witnessed the blow job and was judging them.

“I’ll get your things,” Colt said with a confidence Milo didn’t feel. If Eric discovered that Milo was moving out, the bastard could destroy his things while refusing to let Colt into the house.
