Page 36 of Colt's Salvation

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“Crossing a line?” Colt shook his head. “You’re my mate, babe. My wolf is a part of me, so you can pet him anytime you want.” He leaned down at kissed Milo but forced himself to keep it brief. “We’ll go back to our spot, and I’ll shift so you can walk with him.”

Milo fell on his back, sighing. “You’re too good to be true.”

“Funny, but that’s what I think about you every time I look your way.” Colt pulled Milo into a sitting position. “If I can get your things fast enough, you and my wolf can take that stroll tonight.”

Milo grinned and bounced. Now all Colt could think about was Milo bouncing on his cock. “Don’t forget my mom’s small jewelry box in my top drawer,” his mate said.

Colt patted his back pocket. “It’s on the list, shorty.”

“Or the photo album on the floor in my closet.”

With a roll of his eyes, Colt bent and kissed his mate. It was meant to stop Milo from giving him needless reminders, but this time, it lasted longer and made Colt’s body hard. If he didn’t leave now, he might not make it out of their bedroom.

“Try not to miss me too much while I’m gone.” He winked.

“I’ll try not to weep into my pillow,” Milo teased. “Get out of here so you can get back that much sooner. I’m super excited to pet my wolf.”

“Your wolf?” Colt grinned. “I guess he is.”

Forcing himself to pull away, Colt headed out. He was taking his truck since he didn’t know how much stuff Milo had, and his Range Rover offered more room than Kellen’s car.

Colt also wanted his brother with him for intimidation tactics. As tall and muscular as Colt was, Kellen was built like a living, breathing mountain. It never hurt to have someone like that with him. Kellen could watch his back as Colt packed up Milo’s room.

He wasn’t worried about the mates being alone since no one ever came to their house. Besides, Kellen had set up a state-of-the-art security system a few years back. He would receive a notification before anyone got close to the house.

Kellen was already in the passenger seat—as if he’d known which vehicle they would take. Colt put the truck in Drive and took off. “He’s not Milo’s blood uncle. My mate’s mom married some loser but divorced him six months later. Eric is that loser’s brother.”

“Where’s Milo’s mom?”

Colt turned onto the main road. “She died three years ago. Since Milo couldn’t afford to live on his own, he asked Eric if he could move in.”

“You’re telling me that Milo has dealt with this prick for the past three years?” Kellen rubbed his hand over his beard. “I really am going to kill the son of a bitch. I’ll never understand why some men think it’s okay to use someone as a punching bag, especially someone smaller.”

That was lost on Colt, too. Despite his past being wrought with abuse, he’d never lost that protective part of himself. Not for long, anyway. But even when he fought with men who didn’t deserve his anger, it was never anyone who couldn’t take the punches.

The thought of putting his hands on someone as small as Milo and Atlas made Colt nauseous.

When he pulled down the dirt driveway, the sun was just starting to set. The house was in full view. The night Colt had picked Milo up, he hadn’t paid attention. But now, as he scanned the property, he noticed how neglected and rundown it appeared. The paint was peeling, shutters were broken, and the yard was overgrown with weeds.

A rusted red pickup was parked right by the porch, its hood facing the front door. Colt parked behind it and shut off his Range Rover.

As they both stepped out of the vehicle, Kellen made his way to the porch on the passenger side of the beat-up pickup while Colt pocketed his keys and walked around the driver’s side. A lone light shone from one of the downstairs windows, casting a glow onto the porch. In the background, the faint sound of a television could be heard.

Just as Colt passed the driver’s door, he slowed to a stop. The window was rolled down, and he smelled something he hadn’t expected. Kellen had stopped, too, looking at Colt from across the roof, his brows furrowed.

There was no mistaking the distinct scent of jaguar. From the look on Kellen’s face, he smelled it, too.

Eric was a shifter. Milo had lived with the guy for three years, so how had he not known what Eric was? Colt was pretty damn sure Milo would have given him a heads-up if he’d known.

Colt’s wolf snarled as they continued their slow walk, climbing the porch. Before Colt could raise his hand to knock, the door swung open. A tall guy, lean with muscles, stared at them through the screen door. “There a reason I got two wolves on my property?”

Pure attitude poured off Eric. Colt had met his type before. Someone always raring for a fight with a constant chip on his shoulder as if the world owed him something.

When Kellen ripped the screen door from its hinges, Colt lunged at the jaguar, pinning him against the closest wall, his forearm over the bastard’s throat. “Give me one good reason I shouldn’t tear your throat out,” he snarled. “You used your fucking strength against a small human, beating him senseless.”

Instead of being afraid, Eric smirked. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

Colt had to jerk his head back when Kellen’s fist connected with the jaguar’s face. Eric flew sideways out of Colt’s hold then hit the floor. Kellen towered over him, his hands balled into fists, his face a mask of fury. “Lie again and I’ll eat your fucking heart!”
