Page 23 of Colt's Salvation

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“Just a touch of cream.” Colt grabbed the box of pancake mix from the pantry and then the eggs from the fridge.

“You can cook, Colt?” Atlas asked when he walked in. “You’re just full of surprises.” He grabbed the large bag of mini bagels from the counter then the cream cheese and a carton of juice from the refrigerator. Then he took a knife from the drawer. “Give me a second to get out of your hair.”

Milo appeared uncomfortable as he stood completely still, the small container of cream in his hand while watched Atlas. Colt wanted to try and snap Milo out of his uneasiness, so he asked his mate, “Were you two formally introduced at the reception?”

Milo still hadn’t moved.

With his arms full, Atlas smiled. “No, but we briefly spoke. I’d shake your hand, but mine are busy holding my breakfast. I’ll give you an elbow shake instead.”

Milo looked at Colt before he slowly shook the offered elbow.

“I didn’t mean to intrude,” Atlas said, as if he picked up on Milo’s discomfort. “I would have waited until you guys were done in here, but I’m starving, and my stomach forced me downstairs.”

“It’s your house,” Milo replied. “You can go into any room that you want.”

“That’s sweet of you, but it’s Colt’s house, too. I don’t want to interrupt your morning together.” Atlas headed away. The cream cheese slipped to the floor, and he bent to retrieve it but struggled to pick it up while holding the bag of bagels, knife, and carton of juice.

Colt didn’t offer to help. He wanted to see if his mate would.

Milo hurried over and grabbed it off the floor, but Colt noticed the wince. “Here you go.” He tucked the cream cheese snuggly in Atlas’s arms.

“You’re a sweetheart, Milo.” Atlas exited the kitchen.

Forcing himself not to nag Milo about taking it easy, Colt turned toward the counter and prepared the pancake mix as his mate finally handed him his coffee. Colt took a sip and groaned. “You make the best coffee, shorty.”

“The pot was already made. I just poured cream into your cup.” He placed the container back into the refrigerator.

Colt didn’t like how tense Milo still seemed and wanted to take his mate’s mind off of whatever was bothering him. “I’m thinking we need some kind of meat. How good are you at cooking sausage?”

“I’m pretty good at it. Are they in the freezer?”

“Yep.” His plan to have Milo chill in a chair was out the window.

As Colt made the light, fluffy pancakes on the six-burner stove, Milo filled a skillet with some water and dropped the frozen patties into it. Soon the water was bubbling, the sausage turning from pink to gray. Then his mate poured the remaining water in the sink, returned to the stove, and dropped a pat of butter into the hot pan.

“I’ve never seen sausage cooked that way,” he commented.

“Are you talking about the water or the butter?” Milo held the tongs in his hand as he looked up.


“The water helps cook the frozen patties faster,” Milo explained. “The butter browns them and gives them an incredible flavor.”

Colt scrambled the eggs in a bowl when he was done making the pancakes. He grabbed another pan, sprayed it with cooking oil, and then placed it on the burner.

“Since you want me to boss you around, butter makes the eggs taste so much better than the nonstick spray.” Milo handed Colt the stick he’d used.

For decades Colt had been cooking for himself. He was self-taught but pretty decent in the kitchen. Even so, he liked his mate showing him a different way of making things.

He wiped the spray from the pan with a paper towel before putting it back on the stove. “How much should I use?”

“You want enough so the eggs don’t stick too much, but you don’t want to overpower them with the taste of butter.” Milo took the stick from Colt and showed him.

Doing something as domestic as cooking together filled Colt with a sense of peace, calming his mind like nothing else had. Milo’s presence quieted the self-loathing inside of Colt that had plagued him his entire life.

“I’d say we’re an amazing team.” Milo grinned as he cooked the sausages. “We managed not to burn down the kitchen.”

“Miracles do exist.” Colt winked with a grin. “Now to taste our creations.”
