Page 22 of Colt's Salvation

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Colt suppressed a growl at the sight of Milo’s naked, flared backside and his exposed cock. This was not the time to lust over him, but it was a reaction Colt couldn’t control. Not when his need to claim his mate was this damn strong.

Making Milo sit on the step, Colt grabbed a soft, fluffy towel from the cabinet then returned. “You could have fallen, shorty. What if you’d slipped and hurt yourself?”

“I’m sore, not ninety years old and frail.” Milo switched his voice to an old man’s. “Go get me my joint cream, sonny. I think my arthritis is acting up again. Damn glaucoma.”

Colt chuckled as he helped Milo to his feet and slid the towel over his mate’s body to dry him off, careful of his bruises. He was still enraged over them but kept his anger under tight control. “You’re mighty sexy for an old man. Your wrinkles bring out the hazel in your eyes.”

As he crouched and slid the towel over Milo’s legs, his mate’s cock started to harden. Colt deserved sainthood for not leaning forward and sliding Milo’s length into his mouth. His body immediately responded, his own dick growing thick as he brushed the towel over Milo’s ass then between his cheeks.

“You’re very thorough.” Milo’s voice was breathy.

“Wet skin can chafe.” Colt clenched his jaw, fighting to stop his canines from lengthening. His sainthood would be snatched away if he toweled off his mate’s erection. It was a fierce battle waging inside of him, his wolf snarling as the need to claim the human grew even stronger.


He realized he was just kneeling there, his hands motionless, his gaze locked onto Milo’s beautiful cock. “I’m…” Colt’s ripped his eyes away from his mate’s shaft and cleared his throat. Then he rose to his full height and grabbed the clothes he’d tossed onto the counter. “I borrowed these from Atlas.”

His torture wasn’t over yet. Colt had to help Milo into the soft pants. His mate curled his fingers around Colt’s biceps, his now-hard cock bobbing as he lifted each leg. Milo glanced away, his fingers tightening, a fine blush blossoming over his pale skin.

It was the most exquisite display of desire Colt had ever seen.

When his mate shivered, Colt lifted the shirt and carefully put it on Milo. “You can go back to the couch, if you want, while I make you some breakfast.”

His mate’s long lashes fluttered several times, as if slowly emerging from the trance that had encircled them both. “If it’s okay, I’d rather be in the kitchen with you so I’m not sitting alone in the living room.”

A smile spread across Colt’s lips, pleased that his mate wanted to be near him. “Are you going to critique how I cook?”

Milo gaze snapped to his. “I wouldn’t do that.”

“How disappointing.” Colt’s grin widened.

“I’m not sure if you’re messing with me or if you’re serious.”

Colt grazed his lips over the delicate curve of Milo’s ear, his body hardening further when his mate quivered. “It can’t think of anything more arousing than my shorty bossing me around.”

A soft whimper escaped Milo.

If they didn’t get out of the bathroom, he wasn’t sure how much longer he could resist his mate. Colt had to because he refused to claim Milo when the guy could barely move around.

“Let’s go eat.” After leading Milo out of the bathroom, Colt scooped him up. Milo circled his arms around Colt’s neck as Colt carried his mate through the bedroom. “After breakfast I’ll clean this up so you don’t get any glass in your bare feet.”

“I can help,” Milo offered. “I’m not just a cashier. I’m a certified professional in vacuuming.”

Colt grinned. “You can be a certified professional seat warmer until you’re no longer a ninety-year-old.”

“We’re not in the bedroom anymore.” Milo tapped his shoulder. “You can put me down.”

“What if I like having you in my arms?” Colt turned right and headed into the kitchen.

“Then carry me to your heart’s content,” Milo replied.

Unfortunately, it was impossible to cook with his arms full of handsomeness. “I’ll remember you said that, but right now, I need you to show off your skills and warm this seat.”

“I’ll pour some coffee for us while you dazzle me with your culinary talents. I’m desperate for some caffeine.”

Colt couldn’t force his mate to sit his cute butt still, so he didn’t even try. He placed Milo on his feet and starting grabbing what he needed to make pancakes and eggs.

“How do you like your coffee?” Milo asked.
