Page 24 of Colt's Salvation

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They worked together to grab plates, glasses, and silverware. Side by side, they divvied up the portions then sat at the table next to each other. Colt tasted the sausage, and Milo ate a forkful of pancakes.

They groaned in unison.

“Your meat tastes delicious.” Colt licked his lips, chasing the flavor with his tongue. Milo had been right. The butter made it so much better.

“I never knew breakfast sausage could be so obscene,” Milo teased with a sparkle of humor in his hazel eyes. “I’m at a loss of how to make your mouth-watering pancakes sound just as dirty.”

Colt speared a few pieces with his fork. “Let me slip my delicacy inside your mouth.”

“Oh, that’s good.” Milo slid his lips over the tines, groaning as he chewed then swallowed. “What about the eggs?”

Were they eating breakfast, or trying to make each other orgasm? Colt was down for either. “You got me there. I’d say taste my fluffiness, but that doesn’t sound filthy. It just makes me think of bunnies.”

Milo burst out laughing, the incredible sound causing Colt to grin like an idiot. His mate might have been the one who’d seemed under a spell when they’d met, but it was Colt who was hopelessly enchanted with Milo.

“We’ll have to brainstorm on that one,” his mate said when his laughter died down.

The rest of their meal was filled with humor and smiling. When they finished eating, Milo insisted on helping to clean up.

It was the best morning Colt had ever had.

Chapter Eight

Colt stood in his bedroom looking at the mess. His mate was behind him, just inside the door.

“I’d offer to help in here, but I lack the muscles to carry smashed-up furniture to… Where are you putting it?” Milo asked.

“For now, I’ll have to store the wood behind the garage until I can get someone to haul it away.” He wanted to growl at what he’d done to his bedroom, but he would rather use that energy for cleaning.

“While you flex your muscles carrying the heavy stuff, I’ll vacuum.”

Colt looked over his shoulder. “One, your feet are bare and there’s still glass everywhere. Two, I really want you to rest. You already helped to cook and clean up the kitchen. You shouldn’t overdo it.”

“Can I at least stay in here? I’ll keep out of your way and won’t wander around with the glass still on the floor.”

Either Milo was uncomfortable being alone or he became easily bored by himself. His need to be in the same room as Colt didn’t bother him. He liked having his mate so close.

“Okay, but I’m putting you by the wall under that window.” Colt pointed across the room. “If you get up and try to do anything, your butt is on the couch until I’m finished in here.”

Milo saluted him. “I’ll suppress my obsessive need to pitch in instead of sitting on my butt while others do all the work.”

“Smartass.” Colt lifted Milo into his arms, crossed the room, and set him down on the carpet lacking debris. “Watch something on your phone if that obsessive need kicks in.”

“It’s in my pants pocket in the bathroom.”

After retrieving Milo’s phone, Colt started hauling the large stuff outside. Half an hour later, he saw that Milo had curled onto his side and fallen asleep.

Since his comforter would need to be drycleaned, Colt grabbed an extra blanket from his closet and placed it over his mate, along with a spare pillow to tuck under Milo’s head.

Colt crouched there, gazing at Milo’s peaceful expression as a flood of tenderness swept through him. “Get some rest, shorty.” He kissed his mate’s temple them got back to work. Not even the sound of the vacuum woke Milo up.

Just as Colt stored the vacuum in the laundry room, his phone rang. He pulled it out of his pocket and saw that Hayley was calling him. This needed to be handled once and for all. “Yes?”

“I don’t understand why you keep ignoring me, Colt. That’s total disrespect. You know I hate it when you do that,” Hayley whined.

Colt leaned his backside against the washer, crossing an arm over his chest. “One, I’ve never disrespected you. Two, I made myself clear the last time we saw each other that what we had wasn’t going anywhere.”

“That’s not being clear!” Hayley argued. The sound of him stomping his foot could be heard. “I thought you meant you wanted to work on making our relationship more meaningful. You can’t end things unless we both agree on it, and I refuse to agree.”
