Page 18 of Colt's Salvation

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“Have a seat and I’ll grab the TV.” Colt pulled out his phone when he was by his bedroom and sent Kellen a quick text to tell his brother and Atlas to keep their asses upstairs tonight.

After he took his television to the living room and hooked it up, Colt headed to the kitchen. He grabbed a bag of popcorn from the pantry then turned to see that Milo had followed him. His mate’s fingers were curled around the edge of the island as he stood there. “I’ve never seen a kitchen so spacious and beautiful.”

“Thanks. My brother and I live here,” Colt said just in case Kellen didn’t see the text and came downstairs.

“Kellen. He’s the one who looks like a mountain, right?” Milo said. “The one at the reception?”

“Yep.” Colt tossed the flat bag of popcorn into the microwave and set the cooking time. “His bedroom is upstairs. Mine is on the first floor.”

When the popcorn was ready, Colt grabbed the bag, along with two sodas. They relaxed on the couch before he used the remote to find a comedy for them to watch. To his surprise, Milo curled into his side as the movie started. Colt slid his arm around his mate, so damn thankful that the guy hadn’t rejected him. It was still fucked up what Milo had gone through, and as soon as Colt discovered who had hurt his mate, the son of a bitch was going to die.

Chapter Six

The rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee roused Milo from sleep. He lay there with his eyes closed and wondered if he could creep out of his bedroom and make a cup without Eric seeing him. As the fog of sleep lifted even more, Milo felt not only warmth radiating all around him but a hard body pressed into his back.


The memory of last night resurfaced. He opened his eyes to the gentle sunlight filtering into the living room and saw that he was nestled between the back of the couch and Colt’s strong body. Colt’s arm was curled around Milo, and one of his muscular legs rested on top of Milo’s lower half, sufficiently trapping him.

Milo glanced behind him and saw that Colt was still sleeping, a serene expression on his handsome face. Colt was a wolf. Milo still couldn’t believe it. His mind kept trying to reject the idea because that shouldn’t be possible.

But he’d seen it with his own eyes. It had burst free and fiercely protected Milo from that bear. The massive wolf had been breathtaking, and a part of Milo had wanted to run his fingers through the thick coat of fur as he admired its beauty.

The thought of Colt not being human should terrify him, but instead, he felt the safest he had ever been when he was with him.

Colt stirred slightly, his arm tightening like he was afraid Milo would leave him. Milo turned his head back around, only to feel something very hard poking against his butt. Now images of Colt’s nude body flashed in his mind. The guy had stood tall, muscles rippling, his thick cock on full display.

If Milo didn’t stop thinking about how fierce and gorgeous Colt had been, his hands might start wandering. He already had a hard enough time keeping them to himself whenever he was near Colt.

“Good morning.”

Milo glanced over his shoulder at the sound of the deep, sleep-filled voice. Dark green eyes sparkled as Colt gazed down at him.

“Good morning,” Milo replied as he turned over to face Colt.

“How did you sleep?” Colt slid his hand over Milo’s back, his leg flexing, which made Colt’s erection press into Milo’s stomach.

“Comfortably.” It had been the best he’d slept in a long time.

“I smell coffee, but I don’t want to get up,” Colt said with a smile. “I’m curled around the best body pillow I’ve ever had.”

It wasn’t easy to think when all Milo wanted to do was wrap his fingers around Colt’s cock and feel the hard length throb in his hand. “I had a massive wall of muscles keeping me warm all night.”

Colt tucked strands of hair behind Milo’s ear. “How do you feel, hon?”

For a brief moment, Milo had no idea what Colt was talking about. But as soon as it dawned on him, his body started to ache and not in a good way. “I would kill to soak in a hot bath with some Epsom salt.”

“My bedroom is a wreck,” Colt said. “As much as I want to ease your aches and pains, I’m ashamed to let you see it.”

“Like I was ashamed for you to see my house,” Milo confessed. He doubted Colt’s bedroom was as bad as he was making it out to be. More than likely there was a pile of dirty clothes and shoes strewn about.

“I was focused solely on you when I picked you up, Milo. I couldn’t tell you what color your house is to save my life.” Colt leaned back and did a full-body stretch, muscles popping. It was shameful how fixated Milo was with Colt’s physique. There was more to a man than just his outward appearance.

“I’ll let you blindfold me until we reach your bathroom.” Milo couldn’t stop himself from touching. He brushed his hand over Colt’s chest, marveling at how the hard pecs felt under his palm.

“If I put a blindfold on you, it wouldn’t be for innocent reasons,” Colt murmured, curling his fingers around Milo’s wrist and trapping his hand against his chest.

Milo looked up at him, his lips parting as he imagined all kinds of wicked things Colt might do with a blindfold. Ever since they’d met, Milo had thought about the guy nonstop. It was as if Colt had flipped some sort of switch inside of him.
