Page 17 of Colt's Salvation

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“What do you remember before I was naked?” Colt slapped a mosquito on his upper arm and then his neck. The damn things were irritating.

“The bear.” Milo furrowed his brows. “It was behind us. Then there was a wolf. It scared the bear away.”

“Where did the wolf come from?” Colt moved closer as he scratched where he’d been bitten. He was going to end up with mosquito bites all over his body if he didn’t get to his truck. It was as if a neon sign was over his head advertising a free meal to the pests.

None of them had bitten him while he’d been clothed, but now they were attacking en masse.

“It came from...” Milo looked up at Colt, his face a mask of confusion. “It was you. The wolf was you.”

Unable to stand it any longer, Colt grabbed Milo’s hand and moved a little faster, determined to save some of his blood for himself. “Let me know if this pace is too much for you. I’m being drained dry by nature’s little winged vampires.”

Milo didn’t complain, but he kept raking his gaze over Colt. “You were the wolf. How?”

“Shorty, if we make it to my truck before I pass out from blood loss, I’ll tell you anything you want to know.” He used his free hand to slap at his chest. He didn’t want to stick around so they could target his cock. Colt could shift and heal the bites, but no guy wanted to deal with their tender bits being attacked.

It felt like an eternity before they made it back to his Range Rover. Colt grabbed the keys from where he’d hidden them, thankful he’d listened to his instincts. He opened the back hatch and grabbed his go-bag, dressing as quickly as possible, though the clothes didn’t stop his skin from itching where he’d already been bitten.

Rounding the truck, he opened the passenger door and helped his mate ease into the seat. Why did the look in Milo’s eyes seem as if his mate was disappointed that Colt was no longer naked?

After closing the door, he got into the driver’s seat, shutting out the mosquito population. “I’m going to start carrying mosquito repellent and that pink stuff people use for bites.”

“Calamine lotion,” Milo said as he kept staring at Colt. Then he poked Colt’s arm as if to confirm he was real. “You were a wolf, but now you’re not.”

“I’m what’s called a shifter, sweetheart. I can change into a wolf or into a human.” He pursed his lips. “What came first, the human or the animal?” Colt had never thought about that before. As far as he knew, no one had figured that out.

“Were you born that way, or did you get bitten?” Milo was still poking Colt’s arm. “Where is your wolf now?”

“Out grabbing a burger.” Colt curled his hand around Milo’s poking finger. “As much as I love when you touch me, you’re hitting a mosquito bite, and it’s only making it itch more. And to answer your first question, I was born this way. A human can’t be changed.”

“I can’t become a wolf?”

“No.” Colt let Milo’s finger go. “As thrilled as I am that you’re not hysterical, how are you handling this so well?”

Milo snorted. “I’m not. Every time I feel the panic setting in, I think of your nudity, which gives my brain a delicious distraction.”

Colt grinned. “I’m glad I can freak you out and arouse you at the same time.”

Milo finally sat back as his gaze focused on the trees in front of them. “I wish I didn’t have to go home. Even after seeing what you are, I’m at peace when I’m with you.”

It was their connection. Colt felt the same way. His wolf was content now that Milo was sitting safely in the truck. He opened his mouth to ask Milo wanted to come home with him but remembered the carnage of his bedroom. His mate didn’t need to see how destructive Colt could become.

“We could go to my place and chill on the couch with no expectations,” he said. “I microwave a mean bowl of popcorn.”

His mate glanced at him. “Am I an idiot for trusting you so much?”

“Not at all.” Since they were mates. If they weren’t, Colt might question Milo’s self-preservation.

“I’ve been told I’m a little naïve.” Milo looked out his window. “I think I’m proving that by wanting to go home with someone I barely know and who isn’t even human.”

Colt started the truck and reversed before he drove back to the main road. “I don’t think there’s anything wrong with being a little naïve, shorty. You just have to be careful of people who prey on such innocence.”

Roughly fifteen minutes later, Colt was leading Milo inside the house, taking his mate to the living room. Thankfully, Kellen and Atlas weren’t in there.

“You have an amazing home.” Milo looked around the living room as if he were in awe. “But I don’t see a television.”

“I’ll grab mine from my bedroom.” It hadn’t been demolished in his fit of rage. Now Colt had to do some serious cleanup and express shopping to replace the furniture he’d destroyed.

Not too long ago he and Kellen had wrecked Kellen’s room when they’d fought. Cleaning up the mess had been a pain in the ass. Luckily, Kellen had found a website with speedy delivery. Colt was going to use the same company to get his bedroom back in order.
