Page 19 of Colt's Salvation

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“Full disclosure, I had a meltdown of my own.” Colt sighed heavily. “I took it out on my room.”

“Do you have a lot of meltdowns?” Uneasiness settled in Milo. Yet another guy with deep-seated issues. Only, Colt was huge, and if he wanted to hurt Milo…

“No.” Wariness and shame filled his green eyes. “You’re afraid of me now.”

Milo swallowed roughly and licked his dry lips. “I haven’t had an easy life, Colt. I enjoy spending time with you, but I can’t be around someone who’s prone to angry outbursts.”

He already suffered at the hands of Eric. Milo needed Colt to be a source of stability, not pain.

“I’ve never put my hands on anyone smaller than me, Milo. I know what it’s like to be at the mercy of an abuser.” He placed his palm against Milo’s cheek. “I swear on my life that you don’t have to worry about me ever hurting you.”

Everything in him wanted to believe Colt, but it wasn’t easy to trust when you lived in fear, when every moment with Eric was a chance he might explode.

Colt untangled himself and sat up. “Let me show you my room. Then I’ll explain something to you, something that will shed light on things.”

Milo tried to get up, but his stiff body ached and throbbed in various places when he attempted to move. Colt eased him to a sitting position then helped him stand. He curled his arm around Milo’s waist and kept him steady as they walked.

There was a hallway past the spiral staircase. Colt led him down it, soft light from the sun coming in through a window at the very end. There was only one door, and Colt opened it, keeping his arm around Milo as he was led inside.

Colt hadn’t been exaggerating when he’d said it was a wreck. Despite the deep, velvety reds and calming creams adorning every surface, splintered wood was scattered across the plush carpeting, mixed with fragments of shattered glass twinkling dangerously amidst the chaos.

Milo also noticed some personal items strewn about.

“You did this?”

“When I thought my mate rejected me.” Colt closed the door behind him then carried Milo—because his feet were bare—into a pristine bathroom, its white marble surfaces gleaming under the soft glow of overhead lighting. The space was at least four or five times the size of the bathroom at Milo’s house.

At the far end was a large sunken tub with a single step in front of it. To the right stood a sleek glass-enclosed shower, inviting with its multiple shower heads and built-in bench. But it was the long counter to his left that caught Milo’s attention, with its three mirrors above and elegant shaving lights, which illuminated every inch of the surface. It was like stepping into a luxurious spa.

“I’ll get you settled in the tub so you can soak while I explain things to you.” Colt opened a cabinet next to the shower and pulled out a bag of Epson salt. Milo simply stood there as Colt drew his bathwater, adding a large amount of the salt.

When it was filled, Colt got up and led Milo to the edge. “I can help you undress and ease you into the water, or you can try to do it on your own if you want some privacy.”

As sore as Milo was, he seriously doubted he could undress himself and lift his leg over the side. That meant he needed Colt’s help and the full extent of Eric’s wrath would be even more visible in the white lights of the bathroom.

“I don’t think I can manage on my own. Sleeping on the couch has stiffened my body.”

With a nod, Colt gripped the hem of Milo’s shirt and carefully eased it over his head, helping to gently extract his arms. A deep, primitive growl ripped from Colt as his gaze swept over Milo’s torso. Turning his head out of embarrassment, Milo saw his reflection in the mirrors.

A sharp gasp escaped him, his eyes widening at the vivid, deep purple bruising that stretched from his shoulder, down his chest, and around his side. The dark hues were a stark contrast against his pale skin. It was a miracle he’d survived the beating.

Lowering to his knees, Colt unfastened Milo’s jeans and slid them, along with his underwear, down his legs. Then he curled his arm around Milo to steady him as Milo stepped out of them.

“I…” His mouth was bone-dry as he fought back tears. “Thank you for helping me.”

“You’re welcome.” Carefully, Colt lifted Milo off his feet and eased him down into the water. The heat sank into Milo’s bones as he lounged backward.

Colt sat on the single step. He placed his forearms on the edge of the tub then rested chin on them. “My wolf wants to hunt down the person who did this to you and return the favor.”

The water felt so good that Milo didn’t care that Colt could see his cock. He was also unsure how to respond to what the guy had just said.

“You don’t believe in fate, but it’s real.” Colt dipped his hand into the water, moving his fingers in a lazy pattern and creating tiny swirls. “Humans call the person they feel they were meant to be with their soulmate. But for my kind, it’s so much deeper than that.”

As the aches began to ease, Milo watched Colt’s fingers while he listened to the soothing richness of his voice.

“My kind have a mate. The person that fate handpicked for us. Someone who is our other half. But finding them can be difficult.”

“You’re saying that mates are real while soulmates are just a connection?”
