Page 16 of Colt's Salvation

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“No offense, but I don’t think you can fight a pack of wolves.”

“You just crushed my ego.” Colt pressed a hand against his chest like he was really wounded by his mate’s statement. “And I seriously doubt there’s a pack of them.”

If there was a pack and they were wild animals instead of shifters, Colt could scare them off. But that would require him shifting. As much as Milo loved them, Colt seriously doubted his mate would handle it well if he had to shift to defend them.

Milo squeezed Colt’s hand tighter. “I have to be certifiable to keep walking after hearing that, but…” He glanced up, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink. “But I never get to do this sort of thing, and sharing this moment with you makes it even better.”

Moonlight crept through the canopy of trees, illuminating their path. “I like spending time with you, too.” He smiled at his mate. “What would you do if that wolf came up to you and shifted into a man?”

Milo chuckled. “I’d probably pee my pants and hide behind you.”

So much for Colt shifting in front of Milo tonight. He was struggling to find a way to tell the human that he was a shifter and that they were mates. Milo’s infatuation with wolves should have made breaking the news a breeze, but the guy had already said he didn’t believe in fate and that he would piss himself if a wolf did that.

For now, telling Milo the truth could wait.

Colt slowed when he scented a wild bear nearby. He’d been so focused on spending time with Milo that he’d forgotten about the wild predators that called the forest their home. That was a hazardous oversight. If he could put enough distance between them and the bear, the animal might not detect their scent since they were downwind.

Milo was staring up at the moon, oblivious that they’d slowed their pace even more.

“We should start back,” Colt said. “I don’t want to exhaust you.”

“I’m doing okay. I can walk farther before we have to turn around,” Milo said. “I’m soaking up the peace and quiet out here.” He squeezed Colt’s hand. “Just as long as I don’t hear any more howling.”

His wolf snarled when the scent grew even closer. Their paths were going to cross if he didn’t turn Milo around. Colt would have to shift in order to defend his mate, and he didn’t want to hurt the bear or have Milo suffer a nervous breakdown.

“I wore the wrong shoes for this,” Colt lied. “As much as I’m enjoying our walk, my feet are starting to hurt.”

Milo frowned. “What’re you talking about? You’re wearing hiking boots.”

His mate wasn’t going to make this easy. Colt gently turned him around. “We really should head back.”

“Um, okay.”

If it were up to Colt, he would lift Milo into his arms and get them back to his truck in no time. His mate was still walking slowly, and Colt racked his brain for an excuse of why they needed to pick up the pace.

As his wolf fought to get free, the hairs along Colt’s arms stood on end. The bear was dangerously close now, and they weren’t moving fast enough to escape the situation.

Colt cursed seconds before his wolf burst free, spinning around to confront the bear that had just wandered onto the path behind them. His wolf snarled as the bear rose to its hind legs and roared.

Behind him, Milo screamed. Colt prayed like hell that his mate didn’t run. Though he wouldn’t get far because of his injuries, the bear might give chase. If it didn’t, Colt would become separated from his mate, unable to protect Milo if another predator was close by.

The massive bear dropped to all fours, unhinging its jaw with another roar. Colt jerked forward, trying his best to scare the beast away instead of engaging in a fight.

After another less menacing roar, the bear wandered off the path and disappeared into the shadows.

Colt shifted back to his human form, bracing himself as he turned to face his mate. Milo was trembling slightly, his eyes bugging out of their sockets. “You’re naked!”

That was what Milo’s mind was focusing on? “Because my clothes shredded when I shifted. I’m not looking forward to my ass getting gnawed on by the mosquito population as we walk back.”

Milo stood there staring at Colt’s cock as a deep blush painted his cheeks. “You’re naked,” he said more quietly. “Your wang is hanging out.”

Colt frowned. Was Milo having a meltdown or getting turned on? “I already told you why. I need to get my go-bag from my truck so I can get dressed. I can already feel the mosquitos attacking me.”

They began to walk, but Milo was doing so backward while he continually swept his gaze over Colt’s naked body. His cock would harden if his mate didn’t turn attention on something else.

“You’re going to fall on your ass if you don’t watch where you’re going.”

“But you’re naked,” Milo repeated matter-of-factly as he stopped. Was his brain not rationalizing the fact that Colt had just been a wolf? The guy was acting as if Colt’s clothes had simply vanished for no reason and he was trying to figure out how that happened.
