Page 9 of Rewarding His Jock

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He laughs and closes his eyes. “You’re such a dork…but you’re my dork.” He reaches out and places one hand over my chest, carefully cupping my muscle. “And I have a few ways for us to celebrate in mind…”

Does twenty-four hours always take this long?

I’ve been pacing for at least the past hour. As soon as I got back to my room, I tried to do some studying of my own, but my mind won’t let me. I can’t stop thinking about Lucas and his test and…what happens after he comes back.

Either he passed it, and he’s gonna try suckling. Or…he didn’t pass, and we have much bigger issues to deal with…but will I still let him try? I’m pretty sure that’s a hard yes. I’m as invested in this experiment as he is.

Not only do I really, really need the relief of being empty. I really fucking want to feel his lips on my skin.

I take another lap across our small living room when the door flies open, and Lucas holds up a little blue test booklet.

“Seventy-two percent, baby!” He bounds across the room and pulls me into his arms. “I did it.”

“I knew you would, Luke. Great job.” I hold him tightly, inhaling his warm scent. “I’m so proud of you.”

He beams as he looks down at me and places his hands on my shoulders. “You know what that means…”

As if I’ve been able to think of anything else for days. Lucas is a good five inches taller than me, but that’s never felt so far away as it does when I’m staring at his lips. He’s so beautiful. “Yeah, I know.” My voice cracks, and I choke out a cough to clear it. “So, how do you want to do this?”



Seventy-two is officially my new lucky number!

It’s not an amazing grade, but it’s a passing one. Very passing. More passing than any other calculus grade I’ve ever gotten.

Hunter and I should definitely renegotiate my reward for this. Given how much work I put into it, I should get to drink his milk and sleep in on Saturday. My extra rewards can be dealt with later, though.

Right now, my mind is completely on emptying my best friend’s pecs!

“Well, from what I’ve seen, we should probably do it on your bed, so we can lie down and get more comfortable.”

Hunter opens his mouth to speak, but I don’t let him.

I pull him into our room before turning back toward him to tug on the bottom of his sweatshirt. “Come on. You’re moving too slow.” I’m whining, I know I am, but Hunter is used to it by now. And he knows how bad I wanna try this. I made flashcards for this!

Hunter gives me a look that tells me he’s not amused by my behavior, but it’s mostly because he’s nervous.

I am too. A little. Probably not as nervous as he is, though. If I do it wrong, I might hurt him. Besides, he didn’t even want me to know that he lactates in the first place, so I can’t let him regret his decision to be open with me.

I’ll show him that I’m the bestest friend he could ever ask for and prove just how much thought I’ve put into his situation. I just want to help him.

Instead of saying anything else, I plop down on his bed and scoot to the edge to give him some room.

He eyes me for a second before he pulls his hoodie over his head and sets it down at the end of the bed while I enjoy the show. Hunter may not be football toned, but his body is still hot as fuck. Maybe now that I know his secret, he’ll stop wearing shirts all the time when it’s just the two of us.

Slowly, Hunter lowers onto the bed and leans against the wall, grabbing one of his pillows to put over his lap. When I look at his chest, I see the milk starting to drip down from his nipples to his stomach, and I suddenly need to cross my legs too so Hunter doesn’t call this whole thing off.

I can’t get hard from watching milk pour out of my best friend’s nipples. It doesn't matter how hot it is!

Hunter lets out a sigh once he notices that he’s leaking and goes to wipe off the milk that’s already come out, but I don’t want him to do that.

My body moves before I can even think to stop him, and in less than a second, my tongue is on his abs, licking up the milk that’s already dripped out.

He gasps in unison with the moan that escapes me when the taste of him finally registers. And I’m not just talking about his milk, I mean him.

Fuck, I could spend all day lapping at his body like a fucking dog. My eyes close as I take a moment to let myself savor his taste and attempt to further hide my dick that refuses to stop making itself known.
