Page 8 of Rewarding His Jock

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Hunter watches me for a second, maybe trying to determine just how badly I want to do this. He’s always helping me with stuff, and now I can finally help him. He just needs to stop being a hardass and let me.

For what seems like forever, we just stare at each other. And then he smiles at me. But it’s not the candy store smile. It’s the “I’m gonna be mean to you and like it” smile.

And it’s a fucking sexy one too.

“You wanna do it so bad? Fine. Pass your calc test, and I’ll let you try.”



He didn’t mean it.

He was joking…teasing me. He doesn’t actually want to drink from me. But then again, why would he offer if he didn’t mean it? That’s not exactly something you just randomly offer to a friend. Like picking them up from the airport or helping them move.

This was different.

Suckling is…intimate. More intimate than we’ve ever been before. And maybe there’s no going back from something like that.

Not that I’m not into it. I definitely am.

It freaked me out when he first said it, but since then, I’ve watched a lot of videos on The Lactin Brotherhood website…and then hunted down all the lactation porn I could find and…fuck. That shit is hot.

Like, every time I think about him getting anywhere near my nipples, I get hard. And when I’m in the shower, using my hand to express my milk in private, my other hand usually ends up milking my dick with images of Lucas sucking me as I come.

God, what’s gonna happen if he actually passes his test?

I mean, he better pass his fucking test. He has too much riding on football to let it all slip away because he likes to whine about how confusing it is to remember limits, differentiation, integration, sequences, series, and differential equations. Honestly, I wasn’t great at calculus either, but I got through it, and he will too.

“Am I done yet?” He yanks out his ear pods and drops them onto his bed. “I can’t learn anything else. I know it all.”

“Is that so?” I scoot over to his bed and pick a random equation to test him on. To my surprise, he totally gets it.

“See, my problem isn’t that I can’t learn it.” He puffs out his cheeks as he exhales and looks over at me. “It’s just that when I sit down in that room and the timer starts, my mind goes blank. I’ve always been a bad test taker. Maybe we need to renegotiate…”

“Renegotiate?” I plant my hand on the mattress on the other side of him, leaning over his body and lowering the tone of my voice. “Say more.”

He purses his lips and then nods as an idea strikes. “Maybe instead of making my test-taking skills, or lack thereof, the condition of your own health and comfort, maybe you can just quiz me here. If I get seventy percent of your questions right, then we try it?”

My eyes narrow as I smirk down at him. Nice try, boy. “And how exactly does passing a fake test with me help get you into the game next week?”

“Well, technically, it doesn’t. But I’ve been reading about human milk, and it actually makes you smarter. The fat and proteins are good for your brain so…it might actually make me pass my test. It’s a chicken and egg kinda thing.”

Now I have to chuckle. He’s really reaching here. “Am I the chicken or the egg?”

He ducks his chin and looks up at me from under his lashes. “The cow?”

My jaw drops at the insult, even though it is kinda funny.

Lucas busts out laughing. “Kidding! I’m kidding, Hunt. But seriously, let’s just try it tonight and get it out of the way. I think it’s putting too much pressure on me to pass.” He sobers up and looks away, tugging at the hem of his t-shirt. “It’s all I can think about.”

Fuck me, I’m not gonna survive until tomorrow.

But I have to be strong. Passing his test is non-negotiable. Drinking from me is…well, sorta. At least, for now it is. “No way. You need to figure out how to focus on calculus and nothing else. And if you pass, then we’ll figure out the rest.”

“But what if I don’t?” He’s not usually a whiner, but when he’s tired and frustrated like this, Lucas can definitely get cranky.

“You will.” I lean forward so my face is closer to his and look into his eyes. “You’re the smartest, most talented person I know.” And sexiest, but I leave that part unsaid. “You’re gonna do great tomorrow, and after that…” I take a deep breath and have to pull back before I give in to the urge to drop down and kiss his full lips. “Well, we’ll celebrate any way you want…with the beverage of your choice.”
