Page 10 of Rewarding His Jock

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If Hunter sees my hard-on, I’ll never live it down.

I don’t know how long I stay there, but my eyes don’t open until Hunter grabs my chin and makes me look at him. Our eyes meet, and his are full of so much heat that I’m not sure if he’s pissed off or wants to rail me into next week.

But my dick can’t handle thinking about the latter. Not yet anyway.

I’m breathing hard, and I think he is too. I can feel it—kinda. My head rises and falls a little in time with the movements his chest makes as he breathes.

We don’t speak, but I’m not sure what we’d say if we did. Both of us are probably wondering what the fuck is going on with our bodies right now, but when I feel a drop of his milk hit my cheek, I don’t want to put this off any longer.

He lets go of my chin as I lift my head and wrap my lips around his nipple.

A low moan rolls off his tongue and has me aching, but I don’t think I’m doing this right. The milk is still dripping, but it's not flowing like I expect it to. Moving my tongue around a little, I try to get the hang of this whole “latch” thing I’ve read so much about. I don’t know how babies do this, maybe it’s easier with boobs.

Hunter’s hand suddenly grips my hair, and if not for the moan he lets out right after, I would’ve thought I’d hurt him. At least it seems to feels good to him.

I shift my body, getting a bit more comfortable on the pillow before it seems like I finally, finally get the stupid latch right.

The sweet substance starts flowing into my mouth. We’re moaning together as I push myself closer. The small taste I’d gotten on my tongue couldn’t possibly compare to this. This feels like I’ve finally gotten a drink of water after running five miles. This feels…peaceful.

My eyes close again, and my body completely relaxes, or at least, most of it does.

I’m still hard, but I don’t care. I could fall asleep like this. Suckling on Hunter’s nipple and drinking his milk until we’re both satisfied.

But I don’t think I could ever be satisfied. I don’t think I’ll ever not want more of this.

And then suddenly it stops.

I swallow the last bit in my mouth and let out an embarrassing whine as I suck a little harder to try and get more.

Hunter winces, and I immediately pull away, even though I don’t want to. I didn’t mean to hurt him. I just want more.

My eyes drift over to his other nipple that’s been leaking down his chest.

He has more on that side.

Moving my body a tad, I rub my nose against his pec. It smells just as good as he tastes. He has to let me do the other side. There’s no way he can tell me no.

“C-can I...” I don’t know exactly how to ask, but Hunter knows what I’m saying. He always knows fucking everything.

“You’ve been such a good boy,” he says softly as his fingers start carding through my hair.

I don’t have time to think about how much that makes my body buzz before he speaks again.

“Go ahead, baby.”



I was nervous when Lucas first got on my bed and made it clear that he was going to do this thing. Part of me expected him to back out at the last minute and say it was all a joke.

But as soon as his tongue touched my skin, nothing else existed in the world except for him and me. Right there in that moment…and in the most intimate position I could’ve ever imagined.

Now that I know how good it feels and how much he’s enjoying it, so many thoughts are bouncing around in my mind.

My dick is hard, my chest is almost empty for the first time in forever, and my best friend is rubbing his dick on my bed. Fuck.

As much as I know I should look away, I can’t tear my gaze from the peaceful expression on his face as his mouth moves in a steady rhythm. It only took a few attempts for Lucas to figure out what was most comfortable for him, but from that very first pull, I knew things would never be the same.
