Page 7 of Rewarding His Jock

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“What…is that?” Hunter looks at the pump I set in front of him with the most confused expression I’ve ever seen on his face.

I don’t blame him. The thing looks like some sort of…tiny radio with a handle on it. There’s a pause button and a button for levels, whatever the hell that means, and a little screen that probably tells you how much you’re pumping or something. “I mean, it’s technically a breast pump, but like, I don’t think you have to have breasts to use it. The website talked about how pumping would help relieve some of the…discomfort. So, I talked to some lady on Facebook and was able to snag this for thirty bucks! And these cup things that are probably for the milk… Um, I think this is where your nipples go.”

He’s just staring at me, speechless. Hunter is never speechless. In fact, he’s usually quite speechfull. Which makes me nervous.

I mess around with the different attachments in the bag the lady gave me before I look back at Hunter. Still nothing. Not even a “thank you, Lucas.” In fact, he doesn’t seem very thankful at all.

If anything, he seems kinda angry. Maybe even…horrified.

“Come on, at least try it. We’ll get it all washed up and see how it goes.” I give Hunter my best, most charming smile, which usually no one can say no to. I don’t want my friend to be living in pain and anxiety. Besides, the whole leaking through shirts thing has to be really annoying when it comes to doing laundry.

If he’s willing to just try it, I know he’ll feel better. He might even like it.

“I’m never using that goddamn thing again!”

Tears stream down my cheeks as I try my best to stop laughing. It’s not funny. Or at least, not that funny. But the way his face looked, and the milk going everywhere and the cups falling when he pulled the pumps off… It’s too much all at once. I can’t help but laugh.

So maybe the pump wasn’t the best idea, or at least not for two idiots who clearly don’t know how to use one. Maybe they have pumping tutorials on that website. I’ll have to ask my cousin.

“It’s not fucking funny, Luke. That shit hurts. How bout I put them on you and see how you like em!” Hunter goes after me, and I quickly step away from him, putting our little table in between us.

The pissed-off expression on his face only makes me laugh harder, but I force myself to calm down and hold out my hands in a show of peace. Those torture tubes are not going anywhere near my nips. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” I take a deep breath and school my face. “I’m done. No more laughing.”

He doesn’t believe a word I’m saying, and honestly, I don’t blame him. I’m still grinning like an idiot. Poor Hunter. He sighs and shakes his head, turning away from me to start gathering the pump parts that he tossed away. “I’m serious, Lucas.” He stands up with the empty bottles in his hands and gives me a firm look. “I’d rather just hand express for the rest of my life than use that thing, even though it doesn't really help as much as I need it to.”

I frown at the way Hunter is just giving up on the pump. Sure, it didn’t go great the first time, but if it’s gonna help in the long run, he should at least give it another go. There isn’t really anything else to try. Just pumping, the hand thing, and… oh. Wait! “I could do it for you!”

Hunter whips around to face me, his eyes narrowed in reasonable suspicion. It’s not every day that your best friend offers to suck the milk out of your chest through your nipples. But bodybuilders drink the stuff all the time, and they pay a shit ton of money for it.

It would be no big deal, not really. Hunter and I have known each other for forever. Sucking on his nipples to help him out is the least I can do.

Wait a minute…

“Do what for me, Lucas?” Hunter’s question keeps me from dwelling on that weird thought.

I watch him dry his hands off with our kitchen towel, suddenly feeling less confident about my idea now that he’s actually looking at me.

His arms are crossed, and his head is slightly tilted. He’s got that look on his face that… I don’t know what it means, but it’s both terrifying and sexy at the same time. For someone so short, it sure does feel like he’s taking up all the space in the goddamn room.

“I just, y’know… I thought—” I let out a sigh before taking a deep breath. “On the website, it talked about how sometimes people can just take the milk out for you. Y’know, like babies do. And some people pay a lot of money to do that cause I guess it’s better than just buying it frozen. I mean, I know you wouldn’t want a random stranger to pay you to suck on your nipples so…why not just let me do it?” I let out another breath once I finish explaining my idea, happy that I’m able to get all that out without telling him to just forget about it.

It honestly wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be, and I think I explained it pretty well, actually.

When I look at Hunter again, he’s grinning like a kid in a candy store. And then he starts laughing. Laughing like an asshole who watched someone fall down a flight of stairs.

My lips pull down in a frown as I watch him.

He steps closer to me as he continues to act like I just told him the funniest joke in the world. When he’s right in front of me, he looks up, and when he sees my face, his smile wavers a bit.

“Luke…you can’t be serious. There’s… No, you can’t do that.” He’s shaking his head before he presses his hand against his pec. At least his nipples seem to like the thought of me helping them out.

“Why not? It doesn’t have to be weird! Just let me try. And if we don’t like it, we never have to do it or even mention it again.” I give him my best pleading eyes, the ones that get Hunter to watch football games with me on Monday nights instead of whatever the hell he usually watches.

They’re magical. Even on his grumpiest nights, he can’t say no to them.
