Page 26 of Rewarding His Jock

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I kiss the top of his head and step back. “Go in and do your thing. I’ll be watching you from the stands, and when you’re done, win or lose, you can come back to my room.”

“Deal.” He gives me one last kiss and then runs into the building, energized and ready to play the game of his life.

That’s my boy.



Before Hunter showed up, I was losing my mind. My leg wouldn’t stop bouncing, and every time anyone said anything to me about it, it nearly set me off. I missed him so bad. My body was so used to being pressed up against his at night that I could hardly even sleep.

Dallas was gonna have my head for being the worst hotel roommate ever.

All I could think about was that I was gonna screw everything up and land on the bench early in the game. Coach wouldn’t let me cost us the win, but there was always a chance that my team couldn’t recover from me not being on my A-game.

That wasn’t a problem now, though.

Now that I’ve chugged who knows how much of Hunter’s milk, I’m ready to bring home a fucking championship and make my Daddy so fucking proud of me.

There’s a reason both teams made it to the championships. They’re good as hell, but we’re better. Faster. More tactile. We had a rocky start, but now we have this shit in the bag. We keep them from scoring anything else, and after an excruciating lecture from Coach, we finally find our groove.

The score is 30 to 24. Defense is on the field, so I have no say in how this game will end. There’s no way we get the ball long enough to score another touchdown ourselves. It’s all up to my boys on the turf.

Two downs. Eight seconds. There is a chance they could make it, but it’s low.

Hell, it’s lower than low. We’ve got this. This is our fucking game.

Lexington intercepts the fucking ball, and he’s gone. Time runs out before he gets taken down, and it doesn’t matter anymore. We don’t need the point. We’ve won! The first football championship I’ve ever won in my entire life, and I was a fucking starter!

The stadium is loud as my feet carry me onto the field and launch me into one of my teammates. I can’t even tell who, and I don’t care. It’s a great moment that I want to enjoy.

The season is over, I’m gonna get a championship ring, and Daddy is gonna be so fucking proud of me!

Speaking of which… I pick myself up off the ground and turn toward the stands. I can’t really see where Hunter is at this point, but I don’t panic about it. I know he’s waiting for me.

“Did you see that sick-ass tackle in the second quarter? Hunt, it was so insane. I definitely bruised a rib or something, but it was so worth it.”

Getting the rings and doing the interviews and all the celebrating took a lot out of me, but the second I saw Hunter waiting for me, I got a new burst of energy. I showed him my ring and even made him kiss it for good measure. Then we went out to eat with the guys to celebrate. It was amazing.

Now, we’re at Hunter’s hotel, and I’m so exhausted but still so fucking pumped. I haven’t stopped talking about the game since dinner started. Hunter doesn’t seem to mind, though. He’s just listening intently and pretending to know what I’m talking about. “I did see it, baby. Now, come here.”

My head tilts a little in confusion, but I don’t waste time thinking. I just get over to my man and bury myself in his arms.

He’d immediately settled on the bed once we got to his room, which was really freaking sweet, but I’ve been pacing around and fangirling about my game.

Hunter smiles down at me, and my heart beats a little faster in my chest. He looks so proud of me, and it’s way better than the look of disappointment he gave me before…back when I was failing.

I got a championship ring tonight, but really, it was all because of him. Because he helped me and lifted me up when I needed it. He didn’t just yell at me to do better, he made sure I did. He cared.

My eyes start to tear up the more I think about it. Hunter frowns, and I quickly shake my head so he doesn’t think they’re sad tears. “Thank you. Thank you for…for everything.”

For a second, Hunter doesn’t say anything, and I worry that maybe I’m being a little too sentimental. But then he smiles, and when his lips meet mine, my entire body settles. Our lips move slowly together, fitting perfectly like neither of us were meant to kiss anyone else.

When I expect Hunter to pull away, he does the exact opposite. I’m not sure how he moves us both, but he does, placing himself on top of me as he deepens our kiss. I let out some sort of sound that gets muffled by his lips and squirm underneath him. He’s not heavy, and I could easily flip us over, but I like this. No, I fucking love this. “Hunt?—”

“Daddy.” Hunter is quick to correct me against my lips. “Don’t forget your place, baby boy.”

I whine softly and nod my head, his words making my body hot. God, I want him so bad. I need his mouth on me again, or mine on him. I really don’t care at this point. My hands move down to slip under his pants, but he grabs them before they can get there.
