Page 27 of Rewarding His Jock

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He tries to move them, but I’m stronger than he is, and I want him so fucking bad.

But Daddy’s not having any of that. Hunter nips at my bottom lip, and I wince, letting him bring my hands over my head. It’s weird, but I can’t deny that it makes me squirm like a freaking worm.

I don’t have to let him do this, but I do it anyway because he told me to. Because Daddy told me to. Who was I to try and take over? Usually, when I did things like this with girls, I was in that position because…why wouldn’t I be? But the way Hunter’s handling me makes me feel like I should’ve just been here all along.

He’s fucking perfect.

“You played so well, and Daddy’s so proud of you,” Hunter whispers softly as he moves his lips from my own down to the side of my neck. “And now, I wanna show you just how proud of you I am, and just how much I fucking love you.”

My body tenses for a moment, but it doesn’t last long with how he kisses down my neck, sucking marks into it that are probably very visible now that the game is over. I moan softly, thinking of the one I gave him before I left. We’ve gotten each other off in plenty of different ways before, but we’ve never… I’ve never… I’m not sure what to do.

Noticing that I’m getting nervous, Hunter shushes me and releases one of my hands so he can slide down my body and pull my shorts off. “Don’t worry, baby. Daddy’s got you. Just lie there and take it like a good boy until I tell you to move.”

How could I say no to that?

Hunter gets my shorts and boxers off easily, wasting no time before taking me into his mouth.

I cry out and tangle my fingers in his hair, my back arching slightly off the bed. Two of his fingers press against my lips, and at first, I think he’s telling me to be quieter. But then, he pushes them a little harder until I get the hint and suck them into my mouth, moaning around them.

He doesn’t move them, letting me do whatever feels right. So, I start sucking on them, licking and getting them as wet as I can. When he pulls them out, I whine at the loss, but I don’t get to mourn his fingers long with the way his tongue runs over my cock.

“Fuck, Daddy. Please.” I’m getting so fucking close because of how good his mouth feels, and I don’t want to come to soon. Especially since he didn’t tell me I could.

Hunter doesn’t respond, though I can’t really blame him since his mouth is kinda full.

I try to relax, settling into the pleasure without focusing too hard on how bad I need to come right now. When I feel Hunter’s fingers pressing against me, I jump slightly, and my mouth opens to protest, but the words never come.

Instead, I hiss at the intrusion and try even harder to relax.

Slowly, Hunter pulls off me, earning another whine from me as he pushes his finger farther inside me.

It’s an odd feeling. I don’t know if I like it or not, but it’s definitely different. It makes me wonder how well I’d take it if it was anyone other than Hunter. But I know Daddy’s got me, and that helps me relax a bit more.

“Take it easy, boy. Let Daddy make you feel good.” Hunter’s voice makes me melt deeper into the comforter, and his words get me a little…hazy. Like I can just close my eyes and trust him with everything.

So I do.

His finger moves slowly, getting me used to the feeling. When it starts to feel good, he adds another, and I’m back in that place of uncertainty. The stretch is somehow uncomfortable and amazing at the same time. Like it’s too much and not nearly enough.

I need more. I need him, but I know I can’t take him yet, and that’s so fucking frustrating.

“Shit, baby. This tight little hole of yours is so fucking needy. I’m sorry, boy. Daddy should have fucked you a long time ago.” Hunter’s voice is all gravelly, and honestly, a little lower than I remember it being. Almost like he’s angry that he hasn’t been inside me yet and is barely keeping himself calm.

“F-fuck h-hun-ngh, Daddy. You can’t, fuck, you can’t say shit like that.”

Thankfully, Hunter doesn’t say much else after that.

As hot as it is, my dick can’t handle much more. Not with how good Daddy’s fingers are starting to feel. He’s moving them faster and using them to spread me open for him. God, I can’t wait to?—

“Fuck!” I’m coming. I don’t know how or why, but I am. And fuck does it feel so good.

Hunter’s finger hit some spot in my ass that made my eyes tear up a little, and I can’t hold myself back no matter how hard I try.

I try to apologize in between my moaning as I come down from my high. “I didn’t mean to, I really didn’t. I didn’t think it would feel so good.” My eyes open slowly to look at Hunter when his fingers stop moving, scared that instead of giving me his cock, he’ll just punish me instead.

When our eyes meet, I can’t tell if he’s pissed or turned on right now. But I get my answer when his fingers slide out of me, and he quickly starts working his pants off.

I try to sit up enough to help him, but he gives me a look that keeps my back down against the bed. I think I’m pouting, but I’m not sure how much I really care. Hunter says I do it all the time, so he’s gotta be used to it.
