Page 25 of Rewarding His Jock

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“Fuck, I love you, Hunter.”

My eyes close and another burst of come erupts as I close my mouth over his in a quick kiss before I press my forehead to his. “I love you too, baby.”

After a restless night, we get up in a somber mood, and I drive Lucas to the airport.

The mark on my neck is sexy as fuck, and I make the decision to give him one too as soon as he gets back from his game. Maybe on his hip or his ass. Somewhere that only I’ll see. Some place that’s only mine.

“I know you’re gonna do amazing, but no matter what, I’ll be here to pick you up when you get back, and I’ll be proud of you for playing your best.”

Lucas nods and swallows hard, trying to hold back his emotions as I say goodbye at the curb.

“You’ll text when you get there?” I tilt his head up so he’s looking right at me.

“Yeah, I promise.” His eyes are glassy, and he wraps his arms around me one last time. “Use the pump. Don’t rely on your hand. It’ll hurt too much.”

“Don’t worry about me.” I kiss his temple. “Just play your best, and I’ll see you soon.”

He slides both of his hands up my shoulders until they close around my neck. “I love you, Daddy.”

“I love you too, boy.” I lean forward and kiss him firmly on the mouth. “Now go win at sports.”

He laughs and rolls his eyes. “Yeah, yeah.”

I watch him walk through the glass doors and hate that I won’t see him again for three days. But what other option do I have? Buy a ticket and head out there tomorrow night to surprise him? I mean, it’s not impossible. My mom has tons of miles from all her work trips and would probably get me a ticket if I asked.

Should I ask?

I’m not even back at my car before I’ve sent her a text, asking for a round-trip ticket to Chicago.

And before I pull out of the parking lot, she texts back that her assistant will book a flight and a room…and I better be planning to be home for spring break.

I text my thanks and assure her I’ll be home in a month, and I might even bring a friend with me.

It’s not easy to keep my impromptu trip a surprise, but I manage to keep my mouth shut and not give anything away until Lucas and his team pull up in the bus at the stadium. I’m waiting in the parking lot with a small thermos of milk and my camera, ready to capture the moment Lucas walks off the bus and notices me standing there.

The expression on his face is priceless, and he runs straight into my arms, ignoring the glances and whistles from his teammates that witness our reunion. The team knows we’re together, but no one was expecting me to show up in person, which makes me even happier that I made the trip. “Hey, baby. I missed you.”

His embrace is crushing as he wraps his arms around me. “I can’t believe you’re here.”

I hold him just as tightly, breathing in his scent and so damn happy to have him in my arms. “I couldn’t stay away.”

“Thank you.”

I rubbed up his back and then pulled away. “I brought you something.”

He looks around and notices the bag by my feet. “What’s that?”

“Just a little something, in case you get thirsty.”

His eyes go wide, and he grins. “Seriously? Did you pump?”

I huff out a breath and groan. “Yeah, I basically got the hang of it. I don’t love it, but I was able to relieve the pressure and save a bit for you.”

His arms close around my neck, and he kisses me hard, sliding his tongue along mine until we’re both breathless. “I’ll drink it before the game for extra energy.” He winks and then pulls back my collar to take a look at my mark. “Fuck, I like how that looks on you, Daddy.”

I grin and lightly pinch his side. “Yeah, well, I’m thinking I need to give you a matching mark. Maybe somewhere a little more private.”

Lucas groans and rests his head on my shoulder. “Ugh, now I want to just stay here with you all day, but I have to get into the locker room. Coach is already gonna give me shit for being the last one in.”
