Page 24 of Rewarding His Jock

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We just started all this, and he’s already making everything better.

I scored a touchdown, I’m gonna pass all my classes, and…I need him. I already know how bad it sucks to go days with only nursing the bare minimum, and if I’m not able to do it at all for three whole days…I don’t know if either of us will survive.

People are talking to me, I know they are, but I don’t register what they’re saying. Tears start to fill my eyes, and I have to force a smile on my face so no one thinks they’re anything but tears of joy.

Turning away from my team, I see Hunter waiting for me. He’s still smiling like he’s so proud of me.

Daddy is so proud of me.

Suddenly, I don’t care about the celebrations or the praise from my teammates anymore.

I just want Daddy.



“You’ll be okay.” I hold him in my arms as Lucas tries to sleep. He has to be up early to catch his flight to Chicago, but neither of us are gonna get much rest tonight. Knowing we have to say goodbye for three days makes it impossible to relax. “I’ll be right here waiting when you get back.”

He sniffles and nods against my shoulder. “I know.”

My grip tightens around him, and I remind myself that this is normal. Couples spend time apart now and then. It’ll suck to be away from him, but I’ll manage.

And he will too.

I kiss the top of his head, inhaling the scent of his shampoo and wish I’d pumped some milk for him to take in a thermos.

“I just play better when you’re there.” His tongue pokes out against my skin and then he drags his teeth along it. “Can I…um, leave a mark here?”

It takes me a second to figure out what he means. “Like…a hickey?”

He chuckles and ducks his face into my armpit to hide. “Yeah, is that dumb?”

“No, it’s kinda hot.” I pull back and make him face me so I can drop a kiss onto his lips. “If you want to, go ahead.”

Lucas scoots farther up my body until his lips are in the perfect spot on my neck. “Okay, tell me if I hurt you.”

I roll my eyes at that. “You suck my nipples raw three times a day and you’re worried about a few minutes on my neck?”

He bites my jaw lightly, and I can feel his body relaxing over mine. “Shush, you. Be a good Daddy and let me do my thing.”

My hand swats his bare ass on pure instinct, but it only makes his cock jerk against my thigh. My boy loves a good smack. “Watch your tone, boy, or you’ll earn yourself a spanking.”

His dick twitches again as his mouth seals against my skin and he begins to suck. I’ve never gotten a hickey before, but I’ve had his lips and tongue on my skin enough to know how it feels.

With a subtle twist of my body, I align our hard cocks and begin to stroke us together, my big hand sliding over our joined lengths until Lucas is bucking into my fist and whimpering against my neck.

The mark must be dark by now, but I’m in no rush for him to stop. I want to feel it for days. See it while he’s gone as a reminder of our love for each other.

At least, that’s what it’ll represent for me.

And I’m pretty sure it’s true for Lucas too.

Within a few minutes, he’s digging his fingernails into my biceps, and I know he’s ready to come. I am too.

“That’s it, baby. Come for Daddy.”

With a final thrust against my cock, he wraps his leg around my body and comes against me, spewing his hot cream on us as I release too, mixing our jizz in a sticky mess before he finally pulls off my neck and takes a deep breath.
