Page 23 of Rewarding His Jock

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“Hey!” Hunter’s voice startles me and makes my head snap up toward him. His eyes are narrowed on me, and his arms are folded across his chest. The look he’s giving me makes me shrink a little, and suddenly, I don’t remember what I was so angry about. The only thing I know right now is that Daddy’s upset with me… again.

“I-I’m…sorry. I just…”

Hunter holds up my socks and waves them in front of him.

My body deflates a little more as I start making my way toward him to grab them.

“You’re stressed, I get that. But don’t forget who you’re talking to.” Hunter moves in front of me, his hand coming up to grab my chin so I have to look right at him.

“Sorry, Daddy.” My eyes fall to the floor, unable to witness how upset Hunter is with how I’ve acted.

This game is just too important for stuff to start going wrong out of nowhere. If I don’t pull my weight, there’s no way I’ll be starting next year, and if I get taken out of the starting line, I can kiss my dream of getting drafted after I graduate goodbye.

Not to mention the fact that I’ve been stressing my captain and my coach out all season with my bad grades. I have to show them I was worth not giving up on.

Hunter holds my head in place and smiles sympathetically. Tilting his head to the side a little, his smile grows. “We have a little bit of time.” He reaches up and cups his pec with one hand. “You still need your milk this morning.”

My body feels like a rubber band that’s finally snapped. Fucking yes, please.

I reach for him and barely stop myself from taking his nipple into my mouth right where we’re standing.

But he knows where we’ll both be comfortable and moves us into our usual positions on the bed. Once there, I happily take my place at his side, anxious to get a taste of him and to just savor this closeness I feel when I’m connected to him in this way.

When his milk starts flowing into my mouth, my mind settles. The grades, the socks, fucking Tanner Erickson, all of it just melts away. My eyes close, and everything else fades to the back of my memory. All I can feel is Hunter’s body against mine and his sweet milk on my tongue.

It’s absolute bliss.

Last quarter. Last quarter, and there’s no way we’re gonna lose. I don’t know what kind of crack is in Hunter’s milk, but this is the best I’ve ever played in my entire life.

First quarter, I got us a touchdown. Me! The first I’ve ever scored on this team. Offensive linemen don’t score touchdowns, or at least not usually. Tanner Erickson sure as hell never scored a touchdown for our team as offensive lineman. He can kiss any dreams of having my starting position goodbye.

But I know it isn’t just the milk that’s making everything better. Hunter’s eyes on me are. He doesn’t go to every single game, but he’s here tonight, and I always feel better when he’s watching me.

This time though, it feels different. This time, I’m making Daddy proud by playing my best. He even told me as much in a text just before I hit the field. Daddy’s so proud of you, baby.

His message had me hard and nearly sobbing at the same time. A part of me always hoped he was proud of the way I played, but for him to actually tell me that he was made my whole body buzz with excitement. It made me want to play even better so I could make him even prouder.

Now that the game is almost over and the scores are perfect, we all really need to kick it in gear. Our defense is doing amazing, and we need to back them up. They’re keeping MTU from scoring any more touchdowns, and if we get another touchdown, the other team really has no chance.

When we get the ball again, we all know what we need to do. Our QB gives us the sign for our scatter play, and everything after that is a blur. Winters yells hike, my feet are moving without me having to give it a single thought. It’s all muscle memory.

When I take down 47 and hit the turf, the stadium erupts in shouts and screams. I grin widely underneath my helmet, staring up at the sky for a moment before I move to stand. The cheers get louder, and I know Carson makes it to the end zone. Everyone starts running to him, and I go to follow after I find Hunter in the stands and throw my hands up. I can’t really see his face all that well, but I know he’s smiling at me.

After we shake the other team's hands, we celebrate with each other. Lyle comes up behind me, and suddenly, I’m in the air and spinning in circles.

Laughing, I try to steady myself as my feet hit the ground and a hand smacks my ass. Whoa, shit. My body is being shaken from different directions and my adrenaline is still flowing. I forgot how much fun winning is.

“That’s how you play fucking football, baby!”

“MTU who!?”

“We’re headed to the Windy City, boys!”

The noise doesn’t die down for a while with all of us on a high that’ll likely last for another week. We usually get pretty damn far in a season, but getting to the championship game is fucking huge! Half of us would never even dream about going to fucking Chicago, and now we’re going to play fucking football! Hunter is gonna be so hyped he… Wait…

The realization that hits me drowns out all the celebrations surrounding me. We can’t bring anyone with us. Plane tickets aren’t cheap, and neither are hotel rooms.

Hunter won’t… He’d have to…
