Page 22 of Rewarding His Jock

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My hands instinctively rise to my chest, cupping my pecs and applying just a bit of pressure to relieve the letdown that happens when he looks at me like I’m his favorite dessert. To be honest, I think I am. Time to change the subject. “Is there anything you need to do to get ready for tomorrow? You have to be on the bus at ten, right?”

Lucas sighs, almost pouting. “Yeah, I wish you could go with us.”

“Me too, baby.” I just wink and give him a reassuring smile. “But you’ll be fine with the team. You need to focus, and if I’m there, I’ll just be looking for reasons to take you over my knee again.”

My boy’s breath hitches as his eyes implore me to find one of those reasons. “Are we done yet?”

I’m so fucking done with dinner. I need to be in his mouth…and then I need him in mine. “Let’s get cleaned up in here, and then you can get your reward for being such a good boy.”

“Done.” He’s on his feet and collecting the dirty dishes before I can even take my last bite.

But I don’t scold him for being overeager. I’m just as fucking desperate as he is. Probably more so because he’s mostly been taking care of my milk situation while I’ve been taking care of his hard dick situation.

I’m looking forward to having some dick action too.

The bedroom door is barely shut when I turn around and see Lucas completely naked, kneeling on my bed. “How do you want me?”

Just like that, baby. “Fuck, Luke. Give a guy some warning before you get naked, would ya?”

With his arms spread wide, he gives me a show by shaking his hips so his thickening cock swings. “You said I deserve a reward, Daddy.”

I did say that, didn’t I? “Who gets milk first? You or Daddy?”

“You?” He cocks his head, confused. “What do you mean?”

I stalk straight toward him, holding his gaze with such intensity he doesn’t dare look away. “Lie down, boy.”

Lucas immediately drops onto his back on my mattress, keeping his eyes locked with mine.

As soon as I’m close enough, I plant a knee on the bed at his thighs and lean down, first kissing his mouth before dropping a trail of kisses down his jaw, his neck, his chest, all the way until I reach his awaiting cock.

My tongue lazily flicks his head before I suck it fully into my mouth, inhaling the velvety shaft until it hits the back of my throat.

“God, yes.” Lucas fists my hair, holding me in place for a long moment before pulling me off so I can take a full breath. “It’s too good.”

I take him into my mouth again, slowly working every inch with my tongue, memorizing the veins and ridges as the early drops of his release coat my palate.

When I pull off to the tip, my tongue teases his slit, gathering yet another drop of his tangy arousal before I kiss the smooth flesh and look up at him. “You taste good for Daddy.”

Another drop teases my lips as Lucas moans. “Then go get it. Get all of it.”

He doesn’t have to tell me twice. I tighten my lips as I slide all the way down and back up, quickening my pace until Lucas is writhing beneath me, his hips chasing every time I lift off and then whimpering in relief as I bury him in my warmth again. “I’m close. So fucking close.”

It doesn’t take long for him to dig his fingers into my hair again as he comes hard, filling my mouth with his warm cream until it’s dribbling out the sides. Once I capture every last drop, I kiss my way back up to his lips and speak against them. “How was it?”

Lucas grins and nips at my lower lip. “If all my rewards are like that, I’ll get all A’s from now on.”

Rubbing my nose against his, I inhale his scent. Fuck, he smells good. “You get any A’s, and I’ll show you a real reward.”



“Where the fuck are my socks!?” Every article of clothing in my hamper goes flying over my head as I try to find the pair of white-and-gray Nike socks that I could have sworn I laid out last night. I wear those stupid socks for every single game, and now, for some reason they’ve disappeared, like the universe actually wants me to let everyone down. Or maybe the universe wants fucking Erikson to take my starting position, cause the universe is a bitch.

“Lucas, you?—”

I threw my arms up, flailing like a madman. “They were right fucking here!”
