Page 21 of Rewarding His Jock

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I’ve been popping random boners throughout the whole practice. Luckily, no one seems to notice, but it still hurts like hell in my cup.

Doing my best to stay present, I glance toward the voice that’s calling me, but honestly, I’m too nervous to move.

Hunter helped me convince my professor to give me another chance at my paper, and he’s helping me write it this time. One of the other rules is that if I want the privilege of being able to nurse after what I did, I have to work really hard for it.

And I plan to. With some help, of course.

It felt impossible, but Hunter sat with me the whole time I was at my laptop, telling me how good I was with every bit of progress I made. I just hope it’s enough to get me through this game.

Slowly, I get up off the bench and make my way to Coach’s office where he’s waiting for me.

When I step inside, he closes the door behind me and moves closer to his desk. He doesn't sit down, he just leans against it while he stares at me. He doesn’t look happy.

“So, I took a look at your grades and talked to your professors.” He pauses and gives me a hard look that makes my heart drop.

Hunter is going to be so disappointed. Fuck, I’ve had a “Daddy” for all of twenty-four hours and I’ve already managed to disappoint him twice.

I tried, I really did! He was right next to me while I worked, and after reviewing it, he said it was good. I guess we were both wrong.

“You’re in tomorrow’s game. And when we win, you’ll need to keep your grades up for championships.”

My eyes go wide, and my jaw drops as I look at him.

His face still looks like he’s completely unimpressed, but if I squint a little, I can kinda see the slight lip curl that means he would be smiling if that was something he did.

“I can— Oh my god, thank you!” I go to hug him, but I think better of it and just nod my head instead. “Thank you, Coach. I’m gonna pass. I won’t let you down, and I’ll be there for the championships!”

After I leave his office, I tell the team that I’m playing, and we celebrate together. When his back is turned, I flip off Erikson before I grab my stuff and rush home to tell Daddy I’m good for the game.

He’s gonna be so proud of me.



Finding out that Lucas is cleared to play is a huge relief. Not only is it so important to him and his scholarship, but if I have to deny his needs any longer, I might explode.

I hate looking into his eyes and not being able to give him everything he wants. But what he needs is a firm hand, a Daddy who will make sure he does what he needs to do to be successful… Even if it means I have to put my own desires on the back burner.

And my desires have been fucking burning.

“Dinner’s ready, baby.” Lucas is drying off from his shower when I pour the sauce over the huge pile of spaghetti and grab a Coke from the fridge. “Are you ready?”

“Coming, Daddy.” He says it with some sass, teasingly as if he’s only trying to appease me. But I know he likes it too. And every time that endearment leaves his lips, his eyes smolder with desire, and his dick plumps up under my gaze in the thin workout shorts he’s wearing, without anything else covering his gorgeous body.

Thank fuck we don’t have to wait any longer. I need to feel that body under me…for real.

A heaping serving of spaghetti and meatballs is plated and ready for him when he finally drops into his chair. As he often does when he’s within reach, Lucas slides his palm around my thigh and leans over to kiss my denim-clad hip, always eager to touch and kiss me in some way. “Fuck, this looks good.”

He’s staring at my ass as I shake my head and smile, proud that I can provide for him in this way. In all ways, I hope. “I hope you like it.”

By the time I’m in my chair across from him, Lucas is already twirling a huge mouthful onto his fork and looking up at me. “I can smell that I will.” He inhales the delicious aroma before shoving the huge bite into his mouth.

Goof. For the next several minutes, we tuck in, eating enthusiastically with only the sounds of forks bouncing off plates and appreciative moans before we finally slow down.

I wipe my mouth and take a drink of my beer. “So, what do you wanna do tonight?”

Lucas immediately grins, letting his mind sink down into the gutter. “I can think of a few things…”
