Page 20 of Rewarding His Jock

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“I’ll happily give you all the kisses you want after we get you cleaned up and talk about some things.”

I sigh and reluctantly move off Hunter’s lap and head to the bathroom. He’s close behind me when I get there and insists on stepping into the shower with me so he can wash me off. At first, I almost say I can do it myself. I’ve been embarrassed enough for one day and don’t think I can take anymore.

But then he pulls me against him so my back is pressing against his chest, and there’s no way I’m letting this man leave.

True to his word, Hunter completely washes me off, telling me to relax while he takes care of me. While he washes my front, he kisses my neck. Then he moves the towel over my cock, and it takes every bit of my strength to keep from bucking my hips. We’ve gotten off on each other, but up until today, we were mostly clothed whenever it happened.

This is different. More intimate.

Hunter makes sure he washes every part of me before he pulls me in for a kiss under the spray of hot water.

“So, if we’re going to do this, we need to establish some rules.”

I’m not entirely sure what Hunter means by that, but I nod anyway before taking another bite of the grilled cheese sandwich he made. “‘Kay.”

After we finally got out of the shower, Hunter told me to sit down on the couch “like a good boy” while he made us something to eat. I had no idea what to say to that, so I just sat down…like a good boy.

Because that’s what I am, I guess. A good boy. Hunter’s good boy. Or maybe Daddy's good boy.

Fuck, I cannot get hard again before we have this conversation. Hunter will think I’m some kind of sex addict. I don’t know why hearing him call me a good boy turns me on so much, but it also does so much more than that.

I feel all giddy and weird inside, like when I covered our QB so well in our last game that he scored the touchdown himself. Maybe because I hate disappointing Hunter, but now, that feeling is even stronger. I definitely can’t do something that will make him think I’m not his good boy. I don’t think I could handle it, and I’m not sure my ass can either.

Which brings up a question that has been on my mind for a while now. “Do I have to call you Daddy all the time?”

The question leaves my mouth before I have time to process that I’m asking it, but I have to know the answer before I actually lose my mind.

Hunter… Um, Daddy… Whichever. He looks at me and just smiles, temporarily causing my heart to settle a little.

How is he so good at doing that?

“Whenever you want to, boy. Just do whatever you’re comfortable with.”

I’m not sure how I feel about that answer. When am I supposed to want to call him Daddy? How many times am I supposed to say it every day? Is it just a sex thing? Or like something I’m meant to say when he’s punishing me? I hope not, because I’d like to avoid punishments as much as possible. Even if Hunter spanking me did kinda feel good, it also felt kinda very not good.

Frowning down at my grilled cheese, I sigh and try not to think too hard about it, but clearly, it’s too late for that.

Hunter reaches over the table and lifts my chin so I’m looking at him. His gaze is intense and makes me want to kiss him again, but this stupid table is in the way. “When it’s just us, I’d like it if you call me Daddy. When we’re with others, you can just call me Hunter. Sound good?”

It’s a question, but it doesn’t feel like one. He’s not asking me. He’s telling me, and that’s just fine with me. Because he framed it as a question though, I nod my head in response.

He raises his eyebrows at me. “Words, baby.”

Oh. “Yes, Daddy.”

Daddy wants what’s best for me.

What Daddy says goes, but I can say red if I really don’t like it. Then we will talk about the situation together.

I have to eat three meals every day and tell Daddy what homework I have when I get home.

I have to always be honest and…

And I can’t touch myself unless?—


My body jolts at the sound of my name, thankfully breaking me out of my thoughts. The rules Hunter and I went over have been stuck on a loop in my head since we agreed on them. Especially the last one.
