Page 19 of Rewarding His Jock

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“You think?” I press my hand to his cheek and rub along the bottom of his lip. “What else do you think?”

“I liked it.” His eyes close and his chin drops. “That’s the embarrassing part.”

“No, baby. Don’t be embarrassed. You needed to be reminded that someone cares about you. Someone wants you to do well in your classes and on the team. Someone wants you to have everything you want in the world.”

“You?” He swallows hard, looking me right in the eye. “As my…Daddy?”

I grin, loving how it sounds on his lips when he’s so vulnerable. “As your Daddy. Your boyfriend. Your best friend. Your…all of the above.”

Lucas sniffles and throws his arms around my neck, and a single sob catches in his throat. “You mean it, Hunt? You want all that?”

“I do. I mean, we’ll have to figure out exactly what that looks like, but I really do care about you.” I press a kiss to his forehead. “So much.”

“You said boyfriend. And boyfriends do more than give forehead kisses.”

Fuck, this boy is just gonna go for it, isn’t he? Well, he’s earned it. I tilt his head to the side and brush a soft kiss across his lips. Within a breath, I’m back, lingering just long enough for Lucas to shake off his surprise and reciprocate.

He kisses me hard, putting all the energy and lust and adoration I see in his eyes every day into it.

Within moments, we’re rolling around on my bed, hands on bodies, mouths on lips, and words in the air.

Words neither of us have any right to say but that seem like the only things left to say.

“I want this, I want you.” Lucas pulls at my shirt, tugging it up so he can lick across one nipple and then the other. “Fuck, I… I think I?—”

“I know, boy. Me too.” My eyes drift shut as he takes a deep pull, practically inhaling the milk that has filled his mouth. “You have me. All of me.”



“Lucas. Baby, we need to get you cleaned up.”


Shit, can I still call him that? He’s been trying to get me off him for who knows how long now, but I can’t. I can’t let go of him.

I’m gross and sticky, but I couldn’t care less if I tried. Hunter, or um, Daddy, fuck, he’s just so warm and…safe.

This past month has been one of the shittiest of my life. Coach has been on my ass, Carson has been on my ass, my professors have been on my ass, and I can’t fucking breathe.

I’ve been on edge for days, and the only thing that helps me relax is nursing from Hunter…and occasionally getting off.

When he said I couldn’t do that anymore, or at least not as much as I wanted to, it was devastating. Then I had to write that stupid paper and… Well, everything was just too much.

But in Hunter’s arms—hell, over his lap—everything is…not so much, I guess.

Kissing him for the first time fried my brain in the best way possible. I was so fucking gone I almost told Hunter I loved him, and I think he almost said he loved me too, but I’m probably just reading too much into it.

We were all wound up, and he wanted to settle me. And he did, better than any intense workout I’ve ever had. There’s no way I’m letting him go.

He pats my arm again. “Lucas. Up.”

I whimper and lift my head off Hunter’s chest to look at him. Our eyes meet, and before either of us say anything, we’re kissing again.

His lips are rough but somehow soft at the same time. They fit mine perfectly, they move perfectly, and everything about this moment is perfect. I’d kiss him forever if he’d let me.

Only he won’t. He pulls away and turns his head, so I can’t reach his lips anymore.
