Page 18 of Rewarding His Jock

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I can do this. I know I can.

What I’m less confident about is whether I can do this without creaming my pants in the middle of it.

“Like this?” Lucas is kneeling over the side of my bed, leaning with his elbows on the mattress as if he’s praying. He’ll be praying in a few minutes, but it’ll be to me for mercy.

“Scoot higher, and pull down your pants.”

“What?” His whole body tenses, and he turns on his side to face me. “Why?”

“You need to feel it, boy.” I need to feel it. “Pants down.”

Lucas looks like he’s already about to well up, but he stands up, facing the wall as he pushes down his jeans and boxers until they’re pooling at his ankles.

From my angle, I can’t see if he’s hard. But if he were to turn back, he’d sure as shit know I am.

Without me having to ask, he gets back into position, his firm ass on display, beckoning me to reach for it.

“Good boy.”

He drops down even lower, his whole torso flat against the mattress with his head facing away.

Once he’s in place, I realize the flaw in my plan. I won’t have much leverage from my position, so sit on the bed beside him and slip one leg under his body, making sure to brush over his cock so I can confirm that he is in fact rocking a boner impressive enough to rival mine.

With his body pinning my leg to the mattress, I press my flat palm against his ass cheek, slowly dragging it along his taut skin. Lucas gasps quietly but doesn’t say a word. Apparently, he’s a quick learner when he wants to be.

I don’t give him any warning or sign before lifting my hand and quickly slapping it back down on his skin, filling the room with a clap that goes straight to my balls. “Count for me, boy.”

He’s quiet for a moment, so I slap again, hitting in the same spot and feeling my own cock twitch from the beautiful red mark blooming across his pale skin. “Two.”

“Good boy.” I gently caress the mark I just hit before slapping down on the other cheek.

He takes a shuddering breath and grinds his hips into my thigh. “Three.”

I continue hitting him, changing the location and pressure with each smack until Lucas convulses under my touch, and I know he’s coming on the comforter.

“Nine.” He’s panting now, and there’s a catch in his throat that sounds like a mix of pain and pleasure and relief.

“Look at me, baby.” I cup the lower part of his ass, teasing his balls with my fingertips until he turns to face me.

His eyes are red and wet. Sweat has beaded along his forehead. “You got one more in you?”

He nods and bites his lip. “Yes, um, Daddy.” His voice is barely above a whisper, but I hear him. Loud and clear.

“That’s my strong boy.” I comb my fingers through his hair, wiping the sweaty strands off his forehead and deliver the final blow. One firm smack that spans the center of both cheeks. “Are you going to lie to Daddy again?”

More tears slip from his eyelids, but he shakes his head, holding my gaze. “No, Daddy. I promise.”

As much as I want to revel in this moment and make it last forever, I can see the confusion and insecurity in Luke’s eyes. And that’s the last thing I want from him right now. I want him to appreciate how much we both need this. “Come here, boy.”

Lucas takes a stuttering breath and rolls up onto my lap. “Are you still mad at me?”

I press my cheek to the side of his, holding him against me. “No. It’s over. You made a mistake. We dealt with it. And now we move on.” My fingers curl, digging into his back and reminding him that he’s securely in my arms. “Okay?”

“Yeah, but…” He pulls back far enough to look at me. “What does this mean… For us?”

That’s a loaded question. I’m not entirely sure how to answer it, but I have to try. He deserves an explanation and a choice. “How do you feel about what just happened?”

He sighs, and his fingers curl into my shirt, holding on tighter. “Embarrassed but good, I think.”
