Page 17 of Rewarding His Jock

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“You did well on your paper, so I want to see how much it brought your grade in the class up.”

He says it like it’s obvious. And it is. Or at least, it would’ve been if I was even half as smart as he is. He wants to see it. Of course, he wants to see it. Why wouldn’t he want to see it?

“You can’t,” I say quickly, getting up off the ground and pulling his hands away from my face. Fuck, I need to get out of this. It’s not like I can forge the grade online. Maybe he’ll believe the system crashed. “Yeah, sorry. No looking at grades today. Maybe we can check in, like, forty-eight hours.”

“What?” Hunter is clearly confused. His arms are folded across his chest, and that pride that was in his eyes a few seconds ago is completely gone now. Like it was never there to begin with.

I shrug. “The system is supposed to be down until tomorrow, so I can’t see my grades until then.”

Hunter looks skeptical for a second, and then his face falls. He doesn’t believe me.

I can tell because his face goes from confused to hurt.

“You didn’t get an 80, did you?”

Not wanting to lie anymore, and also being completely out of plans, I shake my head and blow out a slow exhale. I want to apologize, tell him that I didn’t mean to lie, that I panicked and said the first thing that came to my mind. But the look on his face keeps my mouth shut.

He’s not confused anymore, maybe not even hurt, but he’s definitely pissed. The anger in his eyes is something I don’t expect and have no idea how to react to.

When I finally attempt to speak, Hunter holds up his hand. I assume that means he doesn’t want me to talk.

“You lied to me. And not only that, but you were going to just jump right on me to drink and hope I didn’t find out that you were lying? Do I have that right?”

“Hunt, I?—”

“I didn’t ask you to explain, Lucas. It’s a yes or no question.”

I definitely hear myself whimper this time. My stomach feels like it’s swallowing itself whole, and I swear someone is standing on my chest.

And that someone is my best friend.

He looks at me expectantly, and all I can do is nod. I can’t plead my case at all. Hunter didn’t say I could. Even if he did, there’s nothing I could say, anyway.

I planned on doing exactly what he accused me of.

Hunter nods back at me, his gaze heavy as I lower mine. I can’t look into his eyes anymore, not when they look like that. Like he’s never been angrier with me. Never been more disappointed.

“Room. Now.”

My head shoots up at the command, and by the time I look at him again, he’s already walking away from me. Not wanting to get myself into any more trouble, I quickly follow behind him.

“Do you remember what I told you would happen if you couldn’t focus on your work?” Hunter stares at me like he’s expecting an answer. I’m not sure if I’m allowed to speak yet, so I just nod in response.

“And then, on top of that, you chose to lie to me.” He steps closer to me, both of us standing at the side of his bed. “I thought about taking it easy on you for your first time, but that isn’t what you need, is it?”

Now I’m sure he doesn’t want me to actually answer that.

“No, it isn’t. You need a Daddy to keep you in line.”

The word “Daddy” makes my cheeks feel like they’re melting off my face. I think I’m hard too, but I don’t want to look. If I don’t draw attention to it, maybe he won’t notice either. What does he even mean? Is he saying he… I mean, on that brotherhood website, they had a section for that kind of stuff, but…

Fuck. I really don’t know what’s happening right now.

“Hey.” Hunter’s voice pulls me out of my head enough to focus on him. On my… “You don’t need to worry about everything else right now, okay? I just need you to bend over the bed so Daddy can give you the spanking you need.”


