Page 13 of Rewarding His Jock

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I roll my eyes at him and scoff a little. Though, despite my obvious annoyance and irritation, I still go ahead and write down every single fucking assignment for the rest of the semester. This task in itself should earn me a reward.

The next morning, both of us have class, but nothing too early.

We can usually eat a quick breakfast together if I decide not to wake up early and go for a run. After my amazing test score, I’ve earned the right to sleep in a little bit, and I’m so fucking glad I did.

Standing next to my bed, I pull my hoodie over my head and hear Hunter cursing to himself.

When I glance over at him, he’s pressing his hand against his chest. His shirt is around his neck like he was just about to pull it on, but his leaking nipples got in the way of that.

What kind of friend would I be if I didn’t offer to help him out?

It seemed to work really well yesterday. I’m not sure how often Hunter usually leaks, but it didn’t seem to be a problem for the rest of the day after I emptied him.

“You, um, need some help?” My words come out quieter than I expect them to, but the way Hunter turns toward me confirms he heard me anyway.

His face tells me absolutely nothing about how he feels about what I just asked him. But, then again, his silence tells me everything.

Shit. I definitely shouldn’t have asked.

It seems like he was expecting that to be a one-time thing. Obviously, when he said “creative ways” of incentivizing me, he meant ways that didn’t involve sucking his fucking nips like?—

“Are you sure?”

My brain stops rattling when it registers what Hunter said. Instead of my mind going crazy, my heart decides to take over that job and starts pounding in my chest. “Yeah.”

“You don’t have to do that, Luke. I know you really wanted to help me out yesterday, but don’t feel like you have to?—”

“I want to!”

Hunter’s eyes go wide for a moment, and I’m pretty sure mine match his.

I didn’t mean to sound so…enthusiastic. Or desperate. Or like I enjoyed yesterday way more than I should have. And even though I did enjoy it a whole helluva lot, a big part of me still just wants to help him out in any way I can. If emptying him out before class makes the rest of his day easier, then I’ll do it every single day if he lets me.

Hunter nods slowly and moves onto his bed, his gaze holding mine the entire time. “Alright. C’mere, then.”

My body moves faster than I expect it to, and it catches us both off guard when I end up on top of him before either of us can blink. The position we’re in is different from the way we did it yesterday, but it doesn’t matter. I wiggle down his torso and suck his nipple into my mouth.

It doesn’t take nearly as long for me to find a good latch this time, and once I do, I can’t stop myself from moaning at the taste.

“Shit, Luke,” Hunter mutters as his fingers find their way into my hair. “You do that so good.”

My entire being warms at his words, and I’m helpless to do anything but squirm and keep sucking. I’m hard again, and I can feel his own bulge pressing against my stomach.

Is this going to go like yesterday? Is getting off supposed to be part of it? On the website I looked at, it talked about how some people included a sexual aspect to suckling, but I don’t think that part is required.

Unless we want it to be.

It doesn’t take me long to empty the first side, and today, I don’t feel the need to ask before I switch to the other one.

Hunter hisses and grips my hair tighter, making me think I wasn’t supposed to switch sides without asking.

I pause for a moment, not having the chance to properly latch on, so his milk isn’t really flowing yet. It’s just dripping onto my tongue, making it almost impossible for me to keep still as I look up at him.

“You can keep going, baby. I just… I needed a second.” Hunter’s grip eases up on my hair and he shifts underneath me.

I don’t know how many times he’s called me baby since we started this yesterday, but my dick jumps every time.

Fuck, I’m so hard.
