Page 14 of Rewarding His Jock

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Once his milk starts flowing into my mouth, my head feels a little hazy and my hips start moving on their own. My dick rubs against Hunter’s leg, and I think I’ve started to fucking whine against him. I can’t tell for sure with his nipple in my mouth, but as my hips start moving faster, I really don’t care what sounds I’m making.

It feels like there’s nothing else in the world.

Just Hunter’s sweet milk on my tongue and my body humping against his. My eyes are closed so the whole world is dark. In this moment, I can only feel…and it all feels so fucking good.

Hunter’s hands land on my shoulder and give it a rough squeeze, practically guiding my body over his.

Fuck. It’s like he’s showing me how to get off on him.

And I want to. God, I need to come so fucking bad.

“Drinking my milk turns you on that much? You’re such a fucking slut for it, aren’t you?” Hunter’s deep voice sends me toppling over the edge, and I don’t know what sounds might’ve come out of my mouth if I wasn’t still latched on to his nipple.

I ride out my orgasm for a long moment before my body droops on top of his. I really hope I’m not crushing him. Suddenly, one of his fingers slips into the side of my mouth and breaks my latch.

This time, I definitely hear myself whine as Hunter moves my mouth off him. My eyes finally open, adjusting to the light as I look up at him. He’s smiling at me, and I can’t help but try to offer a smile of my own in return.

“If you want…” Hunter speaks slowly, threading his fingers through my hair. “You can empty me every morning. How’s that sound?”

My eyes go wide at the offer, and I eye him as carefully as I can to make sure he’s not fucking with me. My head is still kind of murky, but he seems sincere. Slowly, I nod my head, keeping my eyes on his. “I would like that a lot, actually.”



Why the hell did it feel so good?

Anytime Lucas glanced in my direction, my insides would get all melty. And whenever his lips touched my skin, it was like the best kind of orgasm…even when I didn’t come.

At least, not until after class when I had just enough time to sneak back to the room and rub one out before my afternoon lab.

It’s been almost a week since we started this arrangement, and it’s been both amazing and torturous.

Since then, he’s been drinking me dry every morning…and getting off on it. I am too, but slightly more discreetly.

At least, I think I’m being discreet.

It’s not something we talk about after, but I’m starting to think maybe we should. Before this whole lactation thing started, I was pretty sure Lucas was only into girls. But now, it’s hard to deny the sexual tension building between us.

After our morning sessions, he goes straight to the shower, and I tinker around in the kitchen until it’s my turn in the shower…and we don’t mention it again until the next morning. Which is why I don’t feel like I can just ask him if there’s anything more that he wants out of our relationship.

I’m not even sure how I’d answer that question. I mean, if he says yes, he wants things to get more physical between us, I’d be into it. Way into it. But if he says he’s good with the morning suck and grind and wants to leave it at that…

Well, I’m not sure I can be content with just a friendship anymore.

At some point, I’ll find the balls to be honest with him. But today isn’t that day. Probably.

I’m just dozing off to my music when Lucas pushes open the door to our room and throws his backpack on the ground before flopping onto his bed.

Startled, I sit up and slam my feet onto the floor. “What’s wrong? Are you okay?”

Lucas puts a pillow over his head and muffles a scream.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” I move onto his bed and sit beside him, placing my hand on his bicep and softly gripping it. “What happened?”

He mumbles something that I can’t understand, so I pull the pillow off his face and hold it against my chest…hiding our most common distraction so we can both focus on what’s going on with him. His eyes slowly open and then lock on mine as he sighs. “I don’t want to tell you.”

My fingers instinctively slide through his hair, brushing the strands back so they aren’t covering his forehead. “Too bad. Now, spill.”
