Page 12 of Rewarding His Jock

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“Well, one test isn’t gonna get me through the semester. I still have to pass the class or at least…” He grins. “I need to look like I’m gonna pass in order to get through championships…assuming we make it.”

“If you’re playing, you’ll make it.” Lucas has a lot of talent and is one of the best players on the team. “They need you. So, you know what that means.” I smirk and wag my eyebrows, doing my best to keep things as normal as possible.

“Don’t even say flashcards.”

I laugh out loud and stir the meat one more time before turning the burner off completely. “Oh, fuck yeah, there will be flashcards. Seventy-two is barely passing. I want an eighty next time. Minimum.”

“Seriously?” Lucas’s shoulders droop and he sighs dramatically. “How about seventy-five?”

“Eighty. Unless you want to make it eighty-five.” I carry the pan with sizzling meat to where he’s working and start scooping it into the finished shells. “I’ll have to think of some creative ways to keep you motivated…”

He tucks his chin down, but he glances at me with a sly grin. “Even more creative than earlier? I can’t wait.”

Well, fuck. What did I just get myself into?



Dinner goes well, and our conversation stays casual and normal. But as the moments pass, I’m starting to realize how badly I fucked up.

I might have fucked everything up.

Maybe he didn’t notice. Fuck that, he definitely noticed. And he didn’t say anything, or stop me, he just… fuck. There has to be a simple explanation for what happened, and if I knew more about biology, I’d probably know what that explanation was.

I mean, who cares if we’re both guys?

We shared an intimate moment with each other, sort of, and we were both hard, so we took care of it. There wasn’t anything weird about it. Well, any more weird than just about everything else we were doing. We’re friends and roommates and…we have needs. Besides, well, shit.

I dry humped my best friend until I came in my pants after I drank milk from his nipples. What the actual hell is wrong with me?

But since Hunter didn’t seem to mind, and he isn’t acting like he hates me, maybe we can just move on and forget about what happened at the end.

Although, I don’t want to forget about it. I want to do it again.

In fact, I want to do a lot more than that.

I’ve been with girls before, but it was nothing like what I did with Hunter.

Before, it was about me making them feel good. I felt good too, but they were my main priority, at least in the moment.

With Hunter, something just took over. My dick rubbed against his thigh, and it felt so fucking good. I just needed to feel it one more time. Except, once I’d started, there was no way I could stop.

Then Hunter said my name and squeezed my ass, and the next thing I knew, I was coming and he was coming. Fuck, I felt like I was high.

Now I don’t know what I’m supposed to do.

I want to feel that again, but that’s not something I can just ask for. At least, I don’t think it is.

I’m not sure what creative ways he’s planning on using to keep me motivated in my studies, but just thinking about it makes me want to get back on top of him. Dammit, I’m hard again.

“We’re gonna look at all your classes and put all your due dates on a calendar so I can make sure you’re staying on top of everything. No more slacking off.” Hunter’s eyes zero in on me as he goes over his master plan on how to get my grades up.

Between devouring these fucking tacos and trying to get my dick to settle down, I hardly catch much of what he’s saying. I’m definitely not gonna turn into some star student overnight, but hey, my guy seems eager to try, so who am I to stop him?

When we finish eating, Hunter legit takes out a freaking calendar and sets it in front of me. Or rather, he sets down a stack of blank calendars with empty boxes for all the days and a little to-do list on the side. Is this how he stays on top of his own work? This seems like more work than my actual work.

Hunter puts my laptop on the table and sits down next to me. “You’re not leaving this table until all your assignments are written out on that calendar.”
