Page 11 of Rewarding His Jock

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Not for me, and not between us.

I want him so fucking bad.

As soon as he’s had his fill of my milk, I want to flip him over and suck down his cock, milking him in my own way.

But does he feel the same? Maybe. Hopefully.

I lower my hand to the back of his neck and hold him with a firm grip as he continues to drink, pulling every last drop out of me until he is finally done.

This is it.

This is what it all comes down to.

What happens now?

“Fuck, that’s good.” Lucas rubs his face between my chest muscles and then scoots up so he’s nose and nose with me and pressed against the length of my body. “Thank you.”

I don’t know what to do next. I want to kiss him, pull him into my arms, and bury myself deep in his ass…but I can’t. Not after what he just did to help me. My voice is low and raspy as I whisper, “I should be thanking you.”

His cock is hard against my leg now, slowly rocking against me. No more words are exchanged as he presses his forehead into the crook of my neck and continues to grind. Faster.

Fuck. My dick is getting just as much friction as he thrusts into me, breathing heavily against my heated skin as we both get closer to the edge. “Lucas…”

“God, Hunter.” His fingers dig into my biceps as he comes with a few muffled grunts.

My palm presses over his ass, pulling him closer as I barrel over the edge and come in my shorts.

For several long moments, neither of us move. We just hold each other as we regain our thoughts and air supply.

Finally, Lucas takes a deep breath and rolls away, slipping his legs off the side of my bed and sitting up. “I better go get cleaned up.” He stands without looking at me once, stepping away and disappearing from the room.

What the fuck just happened? Oh, right? I just got off on my best friend’s leg while he dry humped me. Awesome. Nothing to see here.

After my brain catches up with my body, I quickly change into clean clothes and go to the kitchen to start dinner. I’m not exactly hungry, but I don’t want to sit around and awkwardly wait for Lucas to come out.

He’ll probably want to have a conversation about what just happened, and I’m not ready for that.

I don’t even know what that conversation would possibly look like, but I know I’m not ready for it. Fortunately, I stocked up on groceries yesterday, so at least we have some options to choose from.

Lucas loves tacos, so I pull out the ground beef and seasonings to get that started before dicing up lettuce, tomatoes, and onions. Cooking always clears my mind, allowing me to focus on something nourishing and valuable instead of…stressful.

“Mmm… Smells good in here.” Lucas walks into the kitchen and reaches into the bag of shredded cheese I set out on the counter. “And it’s not even Tuesday.”

Standing over the stove, my back is still to him as I stir the meat. When Lucas opens the fridge behind me, his backside brushes against mine, and my entire body tenses. “Um, yeah, figured I’d make them to celebrate your test.”

Lucas chuckles and pulls the taco shells out of the cabinet. “Want me to get these set up so we can just add the meat when it’s ready?”

“Yeah, thanks.” Since we both eat everything, we’ve set up a routine of filling the shells with the cold ingredients and dropping in the meat at the end. It only saves a few minutes of effort, but when Lucas is hungry, every second counts.

I thought I was a heavy eater until I moved in with Lucas. He can pound a dozen tacos at once if he’s had a hard enough practice.

Which reminds me…

I glance over my shoulder and make eye contact with him for the first time since he left me on the bed. “So you’re gonna play this week?”

“I better.” He shrugs and focuses on filling each taco shell with a thick nest of lettuce. “Coach just said I had to pass, and I did. I think I’m good…for now.”

I lower the heat on the burner and turn to him, leaning my hip against the counter. “For now?”
