Page 99 of Play Dead

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His hand slid through my hair to cradle the back of my head. “You look terrified.”

I curled my fingers around his raised arm. “I’m not. The word took me by surprise, that’s all. I haven’t heard it in a very long time.”

Pops never said it, not because he didn’t feel it; the expression of emotions just wasn’t his way. The last time someone used the word ‘love’ in relation to me would’ve been my grandmother.

Like I said, a very long time.

“If it makes you feel any better, neither have I. I wasn’t even certain I was capable of it until I met you.” His thumb stroked the nape of my neck. “I love you, Lorelei. I’ll say it as many times as you’d like, in a variety of languages.”

Tears pricked my eyes as my emotions swelled. I love you too, I tried to respond, but I couldn’t manage to form the words. There was a wall inside me that refused to budge no matter how desperately I wanted to break it down. I pictured myself swinging a sledgehammer in an effort to bring the desire to fruition. I managed to damage pieces here and there, but not enough to topple the wall and reach the other side.

As though sensing my distress, he released his hold on me. “There’s no rush,” he whispered. “I’ll wait.”

My mind swirled with competing thoughts as I left the Devil’s Playground. Kane’s declaration. My decision to accept The Corporation’s offer to see my parents, to learn about my past. About their past.

I glanced in the direction of Bone Lake. I was already this far; it wasn’t too far out of my way to follow up with Goran. Maybe the Givers would be able to share information that would prepare me for my family reunion.

I was glad I’d ridden my motorcycle. The truck was too big to get me all the way to the lake, whereas Betsy managed to thread through the trees with ease.

I parked the motorcycle within sight of the lake and walked to the water’s edge. No sign of Goran. I called his name and was greeted by birdsong.

I was ready to give up when water splashed my boots. The vodyanoy’s lumpy head bobbed to the surface.

“What took you so long?” I asked.

“I wasn’t expecting company. I thought the whole point of coming here was the isolation factor.”

“We had a deal, remember?”

“Ohhh, right. You want me to face my nemesis for no good reason.”

“For two very good reasons. Yours and mine.”

“I suppose I’ve got nothing better to do. Where’s your bloodless sacrifice?”

I splayed my hands. “I came empty handed. I wasn’t planning to swing by until the last second.”

“Not to worry. I’ve got it covered.” He swam across the lake to a water lily that sat atop a lily pad. “A flower for a flower. How’s that for a bloodless sacrifice?”

“Where’s the sacrifice? It’s just an offering.”

His bulging eyes rolled. “What do you think a bloodless sacrifice is? A vampire’s victim after a feeding frenzy?” He clasped the flower between his webbed hands. “Looking at this water lily every day brings me joy, yet I’m offering to give it to them.”

“I see your point.” I gave him Ray’s instructions for the rest of the ritual.

“Simple enough. Wait here, and I’ll see if I can work my magic.” He ducked beneath the surface.

I sat on the shore of the lake and, with shaking fingers, typed my response to Mathis. As promised, instructions popped up in response. An address in New York City. Midnight.


In mere hours, I would be reunited with my parents. Nausea rolled over me. I clicked on Kane’s name and sent a quick text.

Changed my mind. Will you come with me?

His response was a swift and immediate yes. I asked him to arrive at my house at 11:15 p.m.

When Goran’s head resurfaced, it took me a few seconds to register his return. His deep frown told me what I needed to know.
