Page 98 of Play Dead

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I smiled. “That’s the former prince of hell talking.”

“That may be, but it’s only because I’ve seen more honeyed traps in my lifetime than I can count.”

“Even two minutes with my parents would be worth it.”

He gave my arm a gentle squeeze. “I understand.”

“It got me thinking, though. If there are deities out there who can put me in touch with my deceased parents, why can’t I do it?” My claim over the dead was as strong as almost anyone’s.

“Did you ever try?”

“Of course. Many times over the years. When I was thirteen, I even tried summoning them at the accident site where they died. No response.” Although now I wondered about the accuracy of the location. If the Moirai were right about their murder, it was possible there hadn’t been a car accident at all.

Kane peered at me. “You’re curious to see what other methods exist.”

“Can you blame me?”

He cupped my face in his hand and grazed my cheek with his thumb. “No. I understand your desire, but I worry.”

I took his hand and kissed it. “No need to worry about me.”

“What if it doesn’t meet your expectations?”

“You mean my parents are a no-show?”

“I suppose that would be one possibility, but what if they’re not who you hope they are?”

I looked up at him. “You think they won’t accept me because I’m different?”

“They died believing they had a normal human daughter. They likely knew nothing about the hidden world.”

“I wouldn’t waste precious moments talking to them about Melinoe. I only want to see them as Lorelei, their child.”

“It sounds like you’ve made up your mind.”

“I think I have.”

“And if it is a trap?”

“That’s why escape plans were invented.”

He tucked a loose strand of my hair behind my ear. “Count me in.”

“I don’t want to involve anyone else. This is my sticky situation.”

He kissed my forehead with a tenderness that seemed out of character for a demon prince of hell. “And there isn’t anyone I’d rather be stuck with.”

“I appreciate your support, Kane. It means a lot to me.”

His fingers grazed my cheek. “I will always support you, Lorelei. That’s what you do for those you love.”


I dared to look into his eyes and saw the evidence reflected there, plain as day.

Kane Sullivan loved me. The reformed prince of hell saw me, knew me, and found me worthy.

My mouth ran dry. If there’d been words on my tongue, they evaporated, along with the saliva.
