Page 100 of Play Dead

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“They didn’t like the water lily?”

“Oh, they loved the flower, but they won’t see you.”

“Because they have something to hide?”

“No clue. If it helps, they didn’t seem to know who you are.” He lowered his gaze. “Didn’t seem to remember me either. Can you imagine? Ruining a prince’s life and acting like you barely remember? It’s the ultimate gaslighting.”

“Did you tell them about the invisible mark on my forehead?”

“I did, but they said they’re not the only ones who do that. Could be any number of competitors.”

I laughed. “They used the word ‘competitors?’”

“That’s how they see it.”

“Did you ask to be turned back into your original form?”

“I tried, but they kept talking over each other. They’re a very gabby bunch.”

“So not a successful effort for either one of us.”

“I wouldn’t go that far. If they didn’t know you, I bet you can rule them out as the makers of your mark.”

“They didn’t know you either, and Sudenitsy is the one who punished you.”

“Why do you have to be so argumentative all the time? Who hurt you?”

A hawk zipped over my head, forcing me to duck. Goran disappeared under the water in a panic. The bird landed on a nearby branch and ruffled its wings. Its beady eyes regarded me with suspicion.

“Why do I get the impression you’re no ordinary hawk?”

The bird flew to a higher branch, as though to escape the conversation. I suddenly saw the appeal of wings.

Goran’s head bobbed above the surface. “Is it gone?”

“I don’t think it’s after you. It seems to be reconnaissance.”

Goran watched the bird, still wary. “Are we done here? If I’m going to be stuck in this form, I’d like to put distance between me and the predator, if it’s all the same to you.”

“We’re done here. I’m sorry it didn’t work out.”

“Meh. I told you I was cool with this frog bod. Would’ve been nice to see my face again, though, no matter how plain it was.”


Irode hard and fast to the Castle. To Addison’s dismay, I sequestered myself in my bedroom to spend the next couple hours practicing what I’d say to my parents.

I’m your daughter.

I miss you.

I love bacon, pizza, and cold beer on a hot night. No, that sounded more like a dating profile.

Was I loved?

Do I make you proud?

And the most important question—Who murdered you?
