Page 97 of Play Dead

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“As much as we’re capable of. He knows I have the town’s best interest at heart, and I know he’s a massive prick when he’s grumpy.”

Kane didn’t bother to hide a smile.

“Anyway, you can piggyback off the news of the closure. The more we can get the word out, the better.”

“I’ll lose business.”

“In the short term, but you’ll lose business long-term if your regulars are killed by Vortigern and his merry hunters.”

Kane exhaled. “I’ll send out a newsletter.”

I leaned back to look at him. “You have a newsletter?”

“Of course. How else do you expect me to communicate with my clientele?”

“Why am I not on the list?”

“Presumably because you haven’t subscribed. Visit the website and click the button to join the VIP lounge. Then provide your email address. Simple.”

“I’ll do it right now, so I don’t forget.” I whipped out my phone and quickly navigated to his website. “Is Josie in charge of the newsletter?”

“No. Why?”

“Because she’d probably delete my name if she sees it.”

He suppressed a smile. “Josephine can be prickly, but she respects boundaries. As far as The Corporation’s carrot goes, you should do whatever is best for you. To hell with Addison, Aite, or whatever she’s called.”

“To hell? Really? You know firsthand what it’s like there.”

“Aite is Greek. She’ll go to the underworld.”

“Okay, but what about Addison?”

His shoulders relaxed. “Point taken. What’s the carrot?”

“To connect me with my parents.”

Kane’s expression was solemn. “How?”

“One of their deities who possesses that ability.”

“And in exchange, you return their runaway?”

“Mathis claims it’s a show of good faith, to prove they’re not the bad guys.”

Kane frowned. “He’s offering to connect you with your parents without any strings attached?”

“That’s what he claims.” I hesitated. “Is it terrible to admit I’m considering the offer?”

“Do you believe him? That The Corporation won’t demand Addison once it’s done?”

“I don’t know.”

“Even if they don’t require her afterward, are you certain it’s a good idea?”

“No, but the upsides seem to heavily outweigh the downsides.”

“It sounds like a trap.”
