Page 96 of Play Dead

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Josie shrugged. “It may have been mentioned.”

“She also said he’s hot.”

“It’s basically baked into their species.”

“They’d die out pretty quickly if they were unattractive,” I agreed.

Kane’s whisky-colored eyes met mine. “Still want that drink?”

“No, but I do need to talk to you in private.”

Josie folded her arms. “I’m not leaving. I have too much to do here.”

“Yes, you seem incredibly busy,” Kane drolled. He offered me his arm. “We can speak in my office or downstairs.”

“Let’s go to your lair. Less chance of getting interrupted.”

“It isn’t a lair,” he objected.

I hopped off the stool. “If my house is the Castle, yours can be a lair.”

“The Ruins,” Josie said, smothering the word in a cough.

I glared at her. “Fine. Let’s go to your bachelor pad. Better?”

I followed him to the door at the far end of the lounge, along a short corridor, and then down a set of spiral steps to a second door until we reached his private chambers. His palm print allowed us entry. The door dissolved, and we stepped across the threshold.

Kane’s home spanned the length and width of the club. The decor was a combination of elegance and rugged masculinity. Tasteful abstract artwork. Worn leather furniture. An antique liquor cabinet.

He grinned. “This is nice.”

“You say that like you don’t live here.”

“Not this room.” He wrapped his arms around my waist. “The two of us in blissful solitude.”

“I can’t stay too long. Addison might burn down the house.”

“I’m sure your ghostly companions won’t allow that to happen. Any more visits from The Corporation’s messenger?”

“As a matter of fact, I met Mathis at Five Beans.”

Kane’s arms stiffened. “And?”

“And he dangled a carrot.”

His arms fell to his sides. “And you’re here to discuss whether or not to bite it?”

“Basically, but first I need to ask you to shut down operations for the remainder of the week.”

He blanched. “Pardon?”

“We need to clear the forest for the Wild Hunt, and that includes your clientele. Would you really want some poor vampire to risk his neck for the sake of a pint?”

“How would I prevent anyone from coming?”

“Chief Garcia is going to close off access to Wild Acres due to unsafe conditions. I had West call to make the request.”

Kane gave me a searching look. “Does this mean you and Davies have made peace?”
