Page 95 of Play Dead

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His expression darkened. “You shouldn’t have gone down there.”

“Why not? There was plenty to do.”

“Madame Thea isn’t to be trusted.”

I arched an eyebrow. “So I shouldn’t have warned her about the Wild Hunt?”

He blew out a breath. “No, that was the right call. It didn’t occur to me to warn her. She and her employees rarely make an appearance above ground.”

“But her clientele travels through the woods to get there. They’re at risk.”

He nodded. “Who told you about its existence?”

“Does it matter? Why is it such a closely guarded secret?”

“Because the fewer people who know about it, the fewer people she can lure inside to sample her vices.”

Josie wiped down the counter. “He’s worried that all those customers will end up in one of the circles of hell.”

“Then why let her continue operations?” I asked.

He dragged a hand through his dark blond hair. “I can’t control the behavior of others. If they want to indulge their vices, it isn’t my job to stop them.”

“Don’t your customers indulge?”

“We don’t cater to them in quite the same way. And for what it’s worth, I’ve only sampled the whisky selection and the poker table. That’s it.”

“Why not Cynthia?”

His gaze warmed my cheeks. “I prefer a more authentic experience.” He turned away abruptly, and a rush of cold air hit my face. “Josephine, what time are we expecting our new hire?”

“In about forty-five minutes.”

“I can’t wait to meet him,” I enthused.

Kane looked at me, frowning. “Why don’t we talk downstairs?”

“What if I’m here for a drink?”

“I know for a fact that you have a perfectly good bottle of Puck’s Pleasure at home.”

He only knew because he’d procured the bottle for me. “I’m saving that for special occasions.”

“Josephine, pour Lorelei any cocktail she desires, then she and I will abscond to my chambers.”

“Until Alessandro arrives,” I added.

Josie stifled a laugh.

“No need for you to get involved in tedious employment issues,” Kane said. “You have more important matters to attend to.”

I fluttered my eyelashes at him. “As much as you help me, it’s only right that I return the favor. Let me serve as a test subject for your new hire.”

The color drained from his face. “Absolutely not.”

I couldn’t hold back my laughter anymore.

Kane’s gaze slid to the vampire. “You told her Alessandro is an incubus, didn’t you?”
