Page 94 of Play Dead

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“Worse. Local bureaucrat.”

I surveyed the bar area. “Where’s the bartender, or have you been demoted?”

She glared at me. “We’ve got a new one coming in about an hour. Try not to be here when he arrives.”

I folded my hands on the counter. “Why not? He can practice on me.”

Her mouth twitched. “I don’t think Kane would like that.”

“Why not?”

“Because Alessandro is hot, if you like muscles and a butt like a plush mattress topper.”



Ah. “Who hired him?”

Her smile revealed her deadly fangs. “I did. He’s talented, easy on the eyes, and a team player.”

“I’m not sure I’d want a whole team involved.”

She pulled a face. “A team player in the club, although I have no doubt he’s entertained a few groups in his day. He’s high energy, which is why the Devil’s Playground is perfect for him.”

“He’ll get a contact high from the clientele.” I turned to glance at the hot tub on the balcony. “That view might be more than he can handle.”

“I get the distinct impression Alessandro can handle anything.”

Her description brought to mind my visit to the underground speakeasy. “What can you tell me about Madame Thea?”

Josie’s head jerked up. “You went down there?”

“I was following a lead.”

“On what? How to lose all your money in a single afternoon?” She paused. “Well, you could probably manage that at the grocery store.”


She leaned her elbows on the counter. “Seriously, how did you end up there? One Oak doesn’t strike me as your type of establishment.” She smirked. “Then again, you’re here far more often than I’d expect. Maybe I’ve misjudged you.”

I cut to the chase. “Madame Thea mentioned Kane, that he’s a frequent flyer down there.”

Josie snorted. “I wouldn’t go that far. He goes down there for the same reason he oversees the Assassins Guild. He likes to keep a close watch on anything that could endanger the locals.”

I focused on the nooks and crannies of the counter. “And does he indulge in all the offerings when he visits?”

“You’d have to ask him, which you can in…” Josie glanced at her phone on the counter. “Three, two…”

The door to the private office swung open, and Kane stepped into the lounge, causing my stomach to dip. As usual, he was dressed impeccably in a pinstripe suit that had probably been woven by cherubs. His face registered pleasant surprise at the sight of me.

“Suddenly, the last half hour doesn’t seem so bad.” He walked straight to my stool and planted a kiss on my lips.

Josie groaned again. “Clay wants to know if you kiss anyone on the lips like that at One Oak.”

Kane blinked rapidly. “Madame Thea’s?”

“For a secret place with contractual silence, everybody sure knows about it,” I remarked. “I met a lovely lady called Cynthia while I was there. Very eager to please.”
