Page 89 of Play Dead

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“Mine isn’t as solid as yours,” Matilda replied.

“Because Matilda is a spirit,” I quickly added. “It isn’t a commentary on your backside, Alicia.” The girl was still young and impressionable; the last thing she needed was a complex about her bottom.

“My grandbaby is a mathematical genius,” Ray crowed.

“That’s why I’m making hot cocoa,” I said.

“Is the whipped cream because you’re out of marshmallows?” Alicia asked.

“Afraid so. In my defense, it’s the end of the season.”

“What are you going to offer me when it’s hot outside?”

“Iced tea?” I suggested, setting the warm mug on the table in front of her and garnishing it with a healthy dollop of whipped cream.

“I’ll think about it.”

Matilda stared at the enticing mug in silence.

Alicia slid her mug toward the Night Mallt. “Want to try it?”

“I have no need of human confections.”

Alicia retrieved a spoon from the drawer and returned to the table. “How are you different from Grampa?”

“What makes you think we’re different?” Matilda asked.

“For starters, I can see and hear you.” She scooped whipped cream into the spoon and licked it.

“Matilda isn’t a ghost,” I said. “She’s a spirit.”

“Isn’t Grampa a spirit?”

“Not in the same way,” I replied. “Humans sometimes refer to ghosts as spirits, but they don’t mean the same thing. Matilda isn’t a shade.”

“You mean she isn’t dead.” Alicia polished off the whipped cream and lifted the mug to her lips.

“No, I’m most certainly not,” Matilda said. “One might argue I’ve ascended to a higher plane.”

Addison snorted, which drew the teenager’s attention to her. “How many tattoos do you have?”


“That’s more years than I’ve been alive.”

“Lucky you.” Addison eyed the whipped cream. “Do temporary residents get access to hot cocoa?”

“If they ask nicely,” Alicia said.

I couldn’t argue with that.

Addison pinned me with a pleading expression. “May I please have hot cocoa?”

“I suppose.” I retrieved my least favorite mug from the cupboard and prepared a second drink.

Ray observed the trio seated around the table. “That’s quite an eclectic group of women you’ve got there. An escaped goddess, a Celtic spirit, and a math whiz.”

A tapping sound drew my attention to the window above the sink. “Claude’s back.” I pushed up the window and the revenant scurried inside.
